Rascal Leaves A Goodbye Letter for My Kids

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

On Christmas Eve, we always attend Christmas Eve Services at church.  This year the contemporary service was at 11:00 pm and it was late when we got home from church.  We had the children help get the cookies and Dr Pepper ready for Santa.  We always spoil Santa each year and leave him a glass of Dr Pepper instead of Milk.  He doesn’t seem to mind, it disappears every year.   After we got the kids tucked into bed, we gave Rascal the go ahead to return to the North Pole and let Santa Claus know that we were ready for him to show up at our house.

Cookies and Dr Pepper for Santa

Santa Claus snuck down the chimney and filled everyone’s stocks full with goodies and candy.

I hope that Santa Claus brought everything that you wanted for Christmas.  I took a photo of Rascal’s goodbye letter to the kids but it came out too blurry to post.  I hope that you have enjoyed my Elf on the Shelf series and I plan on bringing him back next year.  Hopefully, he will arrive a bit sooner than he did this year.

I would like to thank all of my readers for supporting Uplifting Families, without each and everyone of you I wouldn’t be successful.  I hope that you had a Merry Christmas and that you enjoyed spending extra time with your family and friends.

Check out my other Elf on the Shelf ideas.

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What was your favorite Christmas gift?