Rapid Review: Mother, Come Home by Paul Hornscheimer

By Eula @omgaeula

I settled into my neighborhood public library today in an effort to study for next week's in-training exam. Fortunately or unfortunately, I wandered into the comics section of the library before reaching the study area. Naturally, I picked up a bunch of comics and got very little studying done. -_-'
Here is the first of those finds: Mother, Come Home by Paul Hornscheimer. The quietly stunning tale of a father and son struggling by varying degrees of escapism and fantasy to come to terms with the death of the family's mother.
This a short and striking read; grief, innocence and loss of it drawn out very nicely in clean lines and muted colors. Thomas's fantasy world reminds me very much of Where the Wild Things Are. 

The slow emotional collapse of a grieving father seen through a child's eyes is heartbreaking. All in all that was 30 minutes well-spent not studying. ;)