Aiyyaa is the story of a girl Meenakshi, played by Rani Mukherjee, who sees her life as a Masala-movie goes on the hunt for her dream man. The Marathi girl, Meenakshi Deshpande, falls in love with a Tamil artist Surya (Prithviraj).
It is a quirky and funny love story with the backdrop of a Marathi-Tamil cultural clash. The lead female protagonist woos the stranger she desires as he smells good.It is said that in this movie Rani Mukherjee has danced to 3 item numbers!
Well considering how her career has been going downhill for quite a while now, I don't see any other quick solution for her ailing acting career in Bollyqood other than doing some jhatkaas and matkaas on the screen.
But to be very honest with you, this song looks pretty raunchy compared to what Kareena Kapoor did in Halkat Jawani in her latest yet-to-be released movie Heroin. Watch the song in full-HD and enjoy!