On Tuesday, Sam Curry wrote a tweet about the strange payment from Alphabet Inc.’s Google. “Google sent me $249,999 at random a little over 3 weeks ago, and the support ticket is still open. How can we get in touch with @Google?” He put words on paper.
He joked that it was fine if you didn’t want it back.
In his Twitter bio, Curry says that he is a hacker and hunter of bugs. He works as a staff security engineer for Yuga Labs, a company that specializes in crypto and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Yuga Labs is the company behind the well-known Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT project.
Don’t give up on Bored Apes just yet, because NFTs could be a good platform for sales and smart contract. NPR says that Curry works as a bug bounty hunter for Google and other companies from time to time.
Curry told MarketWatch on Friday, “Google did indeed contact me and I’m going to head into the bank today to pay it back.”
A Google representative told MarketWatch, “Our team recently made a payment to the wrong party as the result of human error.“We appreciate that it was quickly communicated to us by the impacted partner, and we are working to correct it,” “We’re glad that the partner who was affected told us right away, and we’re working to fix it,” the statement said.
Companies and other organizations offer bug bounties to people who find flaws in their systems and tell the company or organization about the flaw, or “bug.” Last year, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) started a program called “Hack DHS.” This program asked ethical hackers and cybersecurity experts to look at a few of the DHS’s external systems to see if they could be hacked.
In April 2022, the Department said that more than 450 verified researchers had found 122 security holes, 27 of which were considered critical. DHS says that it paid out a total of $125,600 in bounties.
Alphabet shares were down 0.9% before the market opened on Friday. As of Thursday, the stock had lost 29.0% so far this year, while the S&P 500 index SPX, -0.86% had lost 18.2%.
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