Random Thoughts on Holidays and Such

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday and weekend and I hope you did not pepper spray anyone for an X-Box (my readers would NEVER do that) on Black Friday.  In fact, I hope you didn’t even go out on Friday and instead stayed in your pjs all day and watched reruns of HGTV shows or something dumb (like an Adam Sandler movie marathon).  I’m pretty sure that’s what the pilgrims did the next day…

Actually, I learned something new last week on The Daily Show – a lesson on how Black Friday used to be a completely different holiday.  It’s called Evacuation Day and it’s a true story.  But since people like beating each other for cheap-ish electronic goods made in China, we decided not to upstage that by teaching kids unimportant bits of history.  Yes I do learn things from watching TV, especially fake news shows.  Check it out.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

Happy Evacuation Day


Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog The Daily Show on Facebook

On another note, I’m feeling particularly holiday spirit-y now that the last of my Thanksgiving leftovers have been consumed.  I spent the weekend holiday shopping on Etsy and have some super awesome decorating plans in store to share over the next couple weeks.  I also got crafty and decked my halls with handmade goodies, much to the dismay of  Hubbyneezer Scrooge who hates Christmas.  This only fuels my fire. It’s not done yet, but here’s a sneak peak.

By the way, that’s Pandora on my computer, playing Neil Diamond Holiday radio.  Yep.

I’m also going through some kind of weird change where things I used to hate, like glitter and faux fur, are popping up not only in my fantasies but also in real life.  Like the other day, I bought this awesome fake bear at Goodwill for $10.  I was kind of pressured into it, and walked out saying “what just happened?”  But then, only a few days later, I wore that baby like I was Mariah Carey and now I can’t take it off.

Then, I’ve been planning my 30th B-day party and all I can think of is sparkles and how I have to wear them.  And I swore I’d never include fake snow in any holiday decorating but magically glitter confetti showed up in my decor dreams last night and now I’m determined to make it real.  What’s happening to me?

That’s it, you’re about caught up on the nothingness that has happened since I last posted…which was a very long time ago.  I promise I’ll be better about writing, but I can’t promise the writing will be better.  Please come back though.