Random Thoughts Episode 4.03 – “If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin’?”

Posted on the 11 July 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

Finally, we have a new episode of True Blood. I was beginning to go through withdrawal. While I liked seeing Episode 2 early, there was a price to pay, since we had to wait another whole two weeks before seeing Episode 3, “If You Love me, then Why am I Dyin’?”

This episode gets right down to work with the story continuing where it left off at the end of episode 2, as it the tradition of True Blood.

At the end of Episode 2, we saw Sookie come up on Eric who seems to have forgotten who he is. Eric sees Sookie and she says, “you know perfectly well why I smell the way I smell smell.” Eric then says, “Like wheat and honey and sunlight“, and his fangs come out and he asks, what are you? Sookie drives off and before she knows it, he is in the car with her.

Sookie escapes from the car and Eric runs after her and she hits him in the nose saying “I am not your fucking dinner”. He says, in surprise, “You broke my nose.”  Sookie replies, “Oh, please, it will heal in a minute, you’re a vampire. Eric shouts, I know I’m a vampire “Snookie”, I know what I am. Sookie quickly corrects him, “it’s Sookie” and Eric exclaims, “I just don’t know who I am.”

He then says, something in Swedish that has been translated for us by our Swedish True Blood fans on our message board.  The translation is: “The wet sand between my toes…the wind between my shoulder blades.” Then she tells him to focus and he says “Her eyes, her eyes were completely cold. Empty eyes.., her cold empty eyes they were reaching into me, emptying me. It was her, but it wasn’t her. She was in a circle chancy then everything was taken from me.

So, this scene establishes the amnesia for Eric that is so famous from the books. It also confirms for us that Marnie is a vessel for someone that Eric has experienced in the past who can control him. Sookie gives in and says she will help him and they go to her home, but not before she sets up some ground rules. She says, “you do not touch me and most certainly, you do not bite me.” He swears and Sookie takes him home. He says “I am grateful for this. Sookie says, “Whatever.”

Marnie is on a couch and Jesus is fixing her wound. They all want to get the police and Lafayette says, Eric Northman is 1000 years old and the best we can do is forget about everything. He has no right says, Marnie. Tara says he is a vampire and doesn’t’ care about anything, they don’t care about law, they just want our blood. Jesus asks Marnie how she did what she did,  and she says, I have no idea. This further confirms that Marnie is a vessel of someone else. Lafayette is clearly still very afraid of Eric and he, Tara and Jesus talk later about how dangerous he is and Tara and Jesus get Lafayette to agree not to go to Fangtasia to ask for Eric’s forgiveness.

In Hot Shot, Jason is not looking very good and we hear the Hot Shot inhabitants talking about the history of their race of werepanthers. Evidently a long time ago, one man and one woman became werepanthers and were called “Ghosts Mama and Ghost Daddy” and they went into the wood during a full moon and told a panther that they didn’t want to live in the man’s world. The panther ate them and when they were in his belly they soaked up his magic. When he puked them up, the next full moon they became werepanthers. And, that was the beginning or their kind.

Evidently, the werepanther clan has been inbreeding so much that they are having trouble having children and they have decided to turn Jason into one in order to get some new blood into the group. Jason is hearing all of this and says, “If you’re going to kill me, be a man and just do it now.” Crystal tells Jason she will not let anyone kill him.

The Vampire haters group that we last saw outside Fangtasia, picketing is in an alley,sees a vampire feeding on a woman in an alley. Turns out they are filming it and have silver string and wooden bullets.  They plan to broadcast the video they shoot on their Facebook page. The vampire runs away in fear. The group finishes recording their YouTube video saying, “Wake up America, before we’re all dead.”

We then see that Bill is watching this video in his home office and the vampire in the video is now sitting there in front of bill being questioned about it. Bill says it’s expressly forbidden by the American Vampire League to be filmed while feeding on a human. He sentences the vamp to the “true death.” The vampire says, “You want to send us back into the coffin.” Bill says, “Russell Edgington already did that.”

He opens the door to leave his office and sees Jessica standing in the foyer of the house. She uses the excuse for coming by to get some Advil for Hoyt. They move in to Bill’s living room, which looks gorgeous, by the way, as Bill asks her to tell him what’s really going on.

Jessica tells Bill that she fed on a guy who was not Hoyt. Having just come from a sentencing for that very same issue, Bill says, “Please tell me that you weren’t somewhere that you will be videotaped?” Jessica says, she is not stupid, but just unfaithful and that the victim was willing. They have a very poignant moment together sitting on the couch where Bill says, “You need to tell Hoyt.” Jessica says, “he will be so hurt.” Bill says, “imagine how hurt he would feel if he ever found out from someone else.” We see the pain and sadness on Bills face, which is quickly turned to a smile when he hears Jessica say “I hate my life.”

This is a very touching scene between a parent and a child and Bill tells her to: Vamp up! If you love him you’ll tell the truth, period.” After this, Jessica leans her head on Bill’s shoulder and he on her. It’s evident that Jessica does love Hoyt, but is struggling with her nature and Bill is trying to live with not having been honest with Sookie and is evidently very much feeling that pain.

Sookie pretends that she still owns the house and invites Eric in since he doesn’t know he owns it and therefore, doesn’t think he can enter.

Pam is in Fangtasia feeding on a human and gets a call from Sookie who tells her about Eric and his amnesia. Pam quickly shows up while Sookie is cleaning Eric’s feet and the two seem to be having a moment of “getting to know you”, when Eric says, “You are really beautiful.” Pam arrives and says Sookie has to hide him because he is in danger. Sookie says she doesn’t want to,but Pam explains that the witches did this to him. Sookie says she will just tell Bill and Pam gets angry but not before Eric throws her across the room. He tells Pam to be nice to her. Pam then, nicely, tries to convince Sookie not to tell Bill because she thinks that he set Eric up to go to the coven and knew this would happen to him. She goes on to say that it wouldn’t be the first time he tried to kill Eric. Sookie defends Bill saying, “yea, he tried it because Eric tasted me”, technically, he fang-raped me.”

Pam then begs Sookie saying she knows that Bill will do his best to get the AVL to sign off on assassinating Eric. Sookie asks for payment to babysit saying, If y’all are going to keep messing with my life, I oughta’ the least get something out of it, God Damn it,” and so its decided that Eric will stay with Sookie for the time being.

Jessica arrives home while Hoyt is watching the anti-vampire news coverage on TV. He is holding the doll that was first seen at the end of Season 3. Evidently, it keeps coming back. Hoyt says somebody’s fucking with us and Jessica interrupts him saying, we need to talk.

Jessica tells Hoyt that she has just been with another guy. They argue and Jessica can’t bear to see the pain in Hoyt and decides to glamour him to erase what she told him. So, at least for Hoyt, it never happened and he again adores her. Jessica cries,and is obviously not happy with herself for what she has done, but claims she won’t do it again. It will be interesting to see this play out and we can now see the struggle that vampires have to co-exist with humans.

Sookie goes down into the hidey hole that Eric built in her house and he follows her. Eric asks if she belongs to another vampire and when she says “no”; he says do you want to be mine? And, what are you? She says, let me go and Eric’s fangs pop out and he becomes embarrassed, but lets her go.

I have to say I’m loving this new Eric who shows such vulnerability, but also worry about Sookie as he seems to not have much control over himself. No wonder Sookie wants to get Alcide’s help to take care of him so she can get him out of her house.

We see Sookie go to Alcide’s house in Shreveport to ask for his help about Eric. He moved to Shreveport and is working there now. Just as the two sit down on the couch and are discussing what to do about Eric, Debbie Pelt walks in. We learn that she is now back with Alcide, has been clean and sober for almost a year and tells Sookie that she is in the program and has Jesus on her side. She hopes Sookie will forgive her.

Sookie leaves quickly, and Alcide runs after her. He offers to put Eric in one of the homes he is renovating and Sookie says he will l just have to stay in her house because it wouldn’t be such a good idea to have Eric around a recovering V addict, such as Debbie. As she drives away, Alcide shows concern in his expression.

Jason is still bound up, his phone rings and we see that it’s Andy calling him wanting to find him. Andy is obviously strung out trying to quit his V addiction and he begs God to help, but unfortunately, he quickly gives in to temptation and drinks some.

Sam sees him in the patrol car, and Andy obviously feels guilty and starts accusing Sam of breaking the law. Sam asks him if he has been drinking and starts to fight him. Andy pulls a gun and Sam says,” hey, Andy what are you doing?” Andy gets in the car and drives away.

I’m not sure where this story line is going with Andy, but we know that in Season 1 he was an alcoholic and therefore he is vulnerable to drugs, so I suppose it’s not too surprising that he has succumb to this new one. It sounds like Jason has been helping him cope with it and Andy seems to have been going to a sort of AA for V addicts. Let’s hope that Andy gets some help soon, he sure seems lost right now.

As we learned in the first episode, Tommy is living now with Hoyt’s mama, Maxine. We see them sitting together in her kitchen and it seems that Maxine is teaching Tommy how to read from the Home Shopping Network on TV and Tommy seems smart and is grasping it pretty quickly.

Maxine dials the phone to buy yet another doll, the “Marie Osmond Adora Belle Freida Fright doll”. Just then, a man comes to the door and Tommy answers.

The man wants to buy the rights to the natural gas on Maxine’s property. Tommy falsely introduces himself as “Max Fortenberry, her son and when the man offers him $10000 /per acre; Tommy quickly calculates and asks for $12,000. He later comes to Sam at Merlotte’s and tells Sam that Maxine’s house might be sitting on a fuck load of natural gas and the good part is that she doesn’t know about it. Sam doesn’t like the idea of deceiving Maxine. Tommy says, “You are choosing Maxine over your own flesh and blood”, and Sam disagrees saying that he is choosing right over wrong. Tommy leaves angry saying he hates him.

Poor Jason has been tied to that bed now for three episodes and has wounds all over his body from the bites he got from Crystal and Felton. Crystal is staring at him adoringly and says she is going to be mama to all his baby cubs. She tells him that the panther magic is taking hold and Jason says, “Let me die.” Crystal tells him that his purpose in life is to save our people from becoming extinct. Our girls aren’t getting pregnant anymore and the ones that do, don’t have live babies. She tells him that he is being reborn as one of us, as our new “ghost daddy.” I need you to take this OK? She feeds him a drink; Mexican Viagra.

Tara comes to Merlotte’s and asks Sookie to help get Eric to forgive Lafayette. She tells her about the coven and Sookie tells her that she doesn’t really have anything to worry about, but says she hasn’t seen him. Sam comes up to them and says “Hello stranger, where have you been for the last year?” He offers her a shot of tequila and they have a drink together and pledge to be friends. Tara tells Sam she is in a relationship and he says the same. He explains that she left right after he had told her he was a “shifter”. She said she doesn’t hate him and that wasn’t the reason she left, but she says she is only here for a few days and will be returning to New Orleans. Just then Jesus comes out asking, “where is Lafayette?” Tara and Jesus run out to find him.

Bill is in a restaurant waiting for someone. He calls Eric on his cell phone and gets voicemail. Just then, Portia Bellefleur walks back from the ladies room and sits down across from him. Portia makes a proposition to Bill saying that they have a functional business relationship and it’s very friendly, Bill agrees. She says that he is the most powerful man she knows and suggests they add sex to the equation. Bill seems interested, but says that he can never love her. Bill explains that, “one needs a young heart to take the leap that love requires of us, and my heart, like every other part of me, is no longer young.” Portia replies, I can accept that and, Bill then asks for the check.

The next time we see them, they are together in Bill’s home having their first sexual encounter. When Bill’s fangs come out, Portia says he can bite her, but he says no. I wonder if this might have something to do with the fact that they are distantly related, or that Bill feels that by drinking her blood she will be overly attracted to him and since he can’t give her the love she probably wants (even though she said she didn’t), he decides it’s better not to.

Jessica gives the doll to Arlene’ and Terry’s baby and he likes it allot. Arlene seems suspicious of the gift, but Jessica convinces them that since the baby likes it so much, that she should let him have it. And, Terry goes on to say that he can’t do much harm to it, so it’s decided to let him have it. I think that there is something to this doll by the fact that it keeps coming back after being thrown away several times.

Sookie arrives home after buying some groceries (Tru blood for Eric, which is wasted money if you ask me, since I doubt he will drink it). She looks for Eric, but doesn’t find him.

Just then we see that Lafayette is down in the dungeon again and Pam is threatening him, just then Tara, Jesus and their hosgage, Ginger come down and they tell her that they might be able to reverse the spell. She says she gives them 24 hours to return with that witch.

Marnie is speaking to someone, presumably the person that has chosen her as their conduit. She offers herself asking for nothing. She takes a goblet and summons the spirits saying, “I will be your instrument on this plane, I trust you completely.” She says, “A sacrifice that is only befitting of your magic. I’ve tasted your power and I know it don’t come cheap and ‘I’m willing to pay the price.” She takes a knife and slits her wrist. The first two times, it doesn’t work. “All my entire life I have wanted to mean something, to know for once and for all why I was born with one foot in the other world. Make me your servant, I beg you. Please come.” She cuts again and, we see a woman.

Jason is semi conscious and sees that Crystal is having sex with him. He says, “I wish I never laid eyes on you Crystal Norris. You ain’t worth the trouble you’ve caused me; you ain’t nothin’ but a hillbilly junkie.” We pan back and see that the other hillbillies are watching.

Sookie is sitting in her kitchen reading a book, which incidentally is a “Charlaine Harris” book, the writer of the Sookie Stackhouse books when, Claudine arrives saying she has come back for her and says, we are your family, please come back, we will keep you safe. Sookie says no thank you, asking how have you ever kept me safe. Claudine tells her she helped to make the chain tighten on the man’s throat in episode 1 of Season 1. Just then, Eric whisks in and grabs Claudine and immediately begins to feed on her. Slowly, Claudine loses her looks and then disintegrates.
Sookie exclaims in anger, “you just killed my fairy godmother.” Eric looks up and apologetically says, Sorry.