Random Recommendations Post

Posted on the 23 January 2012 by Diana @azizaspicks
Hey guys!
Since it is Monday and I know most of you, like myself, love discovering new films, tv shows, music, magazines and so on, I decided to share with you some all-time and/or current favorites:
TV Show- Sherlock

The fantastic TV show follows Sherlock, a modern day wacky detective in his journey through misterious cases and inmaginable villains, accompanied by Dr John Watson, his loyal friend and partener. I can't write a full review or objectively say what is good or wrong about this show, I can only tell you that it is fantastic and that you should see it right now- it is worth your time! There are 2 seasons released, each one having 3 episodes of 90 minutes each, so basically you have 6 mini-movies to warch! Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as John Watson are perfect and their chemistry is dynamite. Actually, mister Cumberbatch has been on my mind lately and I find him fascinating for different reasons, I might write a post about him soon!
Please do see Sherlock!
I'm not a big house/electronic/disco or...well, whatever Lana del Rey's music genre is, but these two songs are pretty good! Lana Del Rey is an interesting case- her voice is so special, sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't, but it is something out of ordinary!Too bad her SNL performance was that bad!

Magazine-Vanity fair

In the last couple of years I've been constantly buying Vanity Fair- the American magazine is a great read for many reasons, in my opinion! Firstly, it covers a large array of domains, from celebrities (their usual cover subject), to sports, economy, society, trends, and unsolved cases. It has profiles of known individuals, but told from a different perspective or with untold stories until now; it highlights new talent and gives credit to the ones who deserve it. Second of all, the articles are very well-written, well-researched and easy to read! I must admit, not all of the numbers are great overall, you should check the content table before buying!
Film Website
David Bordwell's website is perfect for film fanatics and theory lovers- not only does it feature a great number of articles on history and movies, it also has many analysis posts on scenes, characters, shooting styles and so on. An interesting read! http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/
Sundance related articles
As you may know, Sundance is in full swing in Utah right now and these articles should help you understand and learn more about the film festival!
What about you, what have you been reading/listening/watching lately? Let me know in the comments!
Hope you all have a nice day and a great week!