Jio Cinema Recently launched its subscription plan. The price of this plan is Rs 999, in which users get subscription for 1 year. After the new subscription plan, now the video streaming OTT platform has started revealing the list of new content. Recently Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan starrer much-awaited film ‘Vikram-Vedha’ was streamed on Jio Cinema. At the same time, now Randeep Hooda’s much-awaited web series is also going to be streamed on Jio Cinema, named ‘Inspector Avinash’. Today finally the OTT release date of this series has also been confirmed.
‘Inspector Avinash’ Web series Stream on JioCinema
JioCinema has confirmed the streaming date of ‘Inspector Avinash’ web series today through its official Twitter handle. This series will stream on Jio Cinema on 18 May 2023 i.e. this week. Apart from the streaming date in the Twitter poster, the trailer of the series has also been released.
Inspector Avinash is coming with his Special Task Force on 18 May. #JioCinema,
The ‘Mahakaal’ awaits you! #InspectorAvinashOnJioCinema #InspectorAvinash #MahakaalAvinash@jiostudios @neerraj @randeephooda— JioCinema (@JioCinema) May 15, 2023
Talking about the trailer, the 1 minute 4 second long trailer can be seen as a dumb police inspector. His character’s name is Avinash Mishra, who is seen tackling the Gorakh business of mafia and arms trade growing in Uttar Pradesh in his own style. Fans are loving Randeep’s character in the trailer and are eagerly waiting for the release of this series.
Let us tell you, apart from Randeep Hooda, starcasts like Urvashi Rautela, Soundarya Sharma, Rajneesh Duggal, Amit Sial, Freddy Daruwala are included in this series. The story of this show is written by Neeraj Pathak and he has directed it.
This series will stream on Jio Cinema in Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Marathi, Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu languages.
JioCinema Premium subscription plan
As we mentioned, JioCinema has recently launched its new subscription plan. The price of this premium subscription plan is Rs 999. The validity of this plan is of 1 year. In this you will currently get HBO shows. Earlier all these shows were available on Disney+ Hotstar. This content was removed from Disney+ Hotstar last month after the partnership with both the companies ended. To subscribe, you need to login to the JioCinema app. After logging in, you will see the Subscribe Now option in your profile section. You will be able to take Premium subscription as soon as you tap on it.