RAKE IT BABY, RAKE IT - a Visit to the Ontario Cottage
By Dyarnell
Last weekend my husband and I, both on business trips to different cities, were able to meet at our cottage in Ontario for an unexpected weekend with friends.
Big property and only a few days - where to start?With a rake.
Part of the magic of Periwinkle Hill is that for most people it does not look like a garden, it just "is". But of course us gardeners know that if I did not rake the Periwinkle it would look like this all summer.This week the Periwinkle itself may be blooming and then of course the Kedron daffodils will follow the trumpets, the ferns will unfurl and on the season will progress.
Tip: keep a bud vase with you when raking through daffodils. Some always snap, even under my tender touch with the rake, and into the vase they go, ready to spread their spring cheer inside.
And the dry creek bed?Right where we left it. Raking the moss border of the creek is even more delicate work than raking Periwinkle.
And while we are on the topic of raking stones, this shot makes it clear that it is worth it although at first it may seem funny.Do you not agree the raked stones really add something?
I put a fair amount of work into lining the sides of the gravel path with moss, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Red Trillium by the hundred and ferns by the dozen.Without a good raking all but the pushiest Trillium are hidden.
After a few hours the connection between the path, creek bed and Periwinkle is once more clear.
***Sharing with Fertilizer Friday