Raising Redemption by R.A. Russell

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

When I was asked to review Raising Redemption, I jumped at the chance because it sounds like a great read and it had an excellent story line based on the excerpt from the back of the book.  I realize that life is full of twists and turns and that everything in life doesn’t always go according to the way we plan things.  As a parent often times, we have high expectations of our children and when they don’t live up to our expectations we are often disappointed with their choices.

Disclosure:  I received this book in exchange for an review.  All opinions of this book are 100% my own and I would never recommend a product that I don’t like.  This post contains affiliate links.

Alicia found herself pregnant at the age of 17 and after her parents found out about her pregnancy, she did the unthinkable.  Instead, of talking about her problem with her parents she decided to run away from home.  She hopped on a bus and left town.  After she arrived at her final destination, she found a place to stay of course it wasn’t the most ideal situation but it worked for her at the time.  Alicia didn’t have any money or a place for the baby to stay, so she ended up giving up her baby for adoption (which is a self-less act and I admired her for making the difficult choice for her baby).

She worked her way through college and eventually owned Lil’s Place after Mother Lil passed away.  Alicia always wanted to return home to her parents but was afraid of what they would say to her for all of her past mistakes.  Eventually, she found her son and went to watch one of his ski competitions one afternoon.  Of course, she wasn’t able to talk to him because he didn’t even know that she existed.  After an accident left her son seriously injured she found out about it and took it upon herself to find doctors who were qualified to help him with his injuries so that he could continue skiing.  Little did she know that the doctor that she found to help her son, would bring along her brother, a highly skilled neurologist.  Her brother immediately recognized his sister and and they rekindled their relationship.

I don’t want to give away too much of this book so you will have to read Raising Redemption to find out if Alicia was able to rekindle her relationship with her son and her family back in Chesapeake, VA.

I loved that this book touched on real issues that parents, children, and families have to endure during their lifetime.  The Author did a fantastic job and made all the characters as humanly as possible.  This book is fairly long but it is an easy read.  I would rate this book for a mature audience due to some of the topics discussed in the book.

Buy Raising Redemption Here:

About the Author

R. A. Russell is a practicing business-law attorney in Los Angeles, California. Russell graduated with honors from Claremont McKenna College in 1971 after majoring in history and philosophy. In 1974, Russell graduated from Harvard Law School with an emphasis on corporate and tax law. Raising Redemption is his first novel.  You can follow Raising Redemption on Facebook and you can find out more about the book on the Raising Redemption website.
