Raise Up Your Fives!

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Cause it's FRIDAY! :) And that means I'm linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for some High Five for Friday Action.
Here are my top 5 favorite things from this week:
Erin from Living in Yellow always raves about a little boutique called Miss Chic. I finally decided to see what they were all about. Oh man. I don't know if that was a good or a bad thing...good for my closet but bad for my wallet ;) I purchased these gems this week. Can't wait til they come in!
Sorry for cutting your head off, model girl. And Adam said the neon dress is super out of my comfort zone, but that he liked it. Here's to branching out!
One of my sweet readers sent me a link to this quote and told me that it reminded her of my blog. UM YES! Totally made my day! So I ordered a tank top that says it. Again, my wallet hates me this week, but my closet sure does love me.
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I've been having some issues with career choices lately, but it was nothing that Meg & Lindsay emails couldn't fix :) I appreciate those girls SO dang much. And let me just tell you, I will meet them one day. TEXAS OR BUST. Truth.

Are you tired of looking at clothes yet? No? Well good, because I have another shirt that I want to show you! My friend Kelsey posted this on my Facebook wall and told me that she wasn't sure why I didn't own it. Adam saw the post before I did and said that he is ordering that shirt for me, because it's so me. Okay...if he insists ;)

I read this verse this week for probably the 50th time in my life. But this time WOW something new just hit me.

God's grace is enough to cover any sin that I commit. ANY and EVERY. That's huge. What I never realized before...me thinking that I'm not good enough or that a sin that I commit is "too bad" to talk to God about is kind of an insult to Jesus. Jesus died on the cross to cover ALL of my sins...not just the ones that don't seem "that bad." I need to accept his gift in full and receive forgiveness and repent from every sin...not just the ones that don't seem like a big deal. Because let's be honest...in God's eyes, a sin is a sin is a sin. I'm so incredibly blown away by the power of God's grace and I'm so glad that it's sufficient for me!
Have a super awesome weekend, friends :)
And don't forget to enter this giveaway! Oh and this one, too!lovelylittlethingsblog.com