Rain, Rain, Go Away…

By Kristina Suko @eccentricowl

 Thrifted vintage dress and heels | Target tights | self-made flower crown | old umbrella | New Old Fashion Vintage scarf

Well, today I am not that happy with anything. It’s dumping buckets of rain outside, which limits my photographing ability; I adore this dress but today I just couldn’t get it styled the way I want it, my hair is having one of those days (any attempt to do anything with it has been foiled) and is getting to the point where I need to decide whether to dye it red or back to my natural color and I just don’t know, and also I’m cold. So here’s the one shot I liked from the pictures I attempted today… and also, a video of Asa talking to me this morning. Because the cuteness should make up for the lack of a post.

I hope you’re all having a good Thursday!

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