Raftin’ Rules!

Posted on the 03 August 2012 by Linda

photo : Howard Dickins

Summer sport superstars in Steiermark must include rafting on their activity agenda. Raftin’ Rules!

It’s a sensation seekers sugar-pill, coated with liberal amounts of adrenalin that can be sucked at any time between June and September.

But on a more serious note -

Rafting Rules

White water rafting is an activity that can be enjoyed from childhood to middle age and beyond. It’s as safe as riding a bike, as long as you stick to the rules!

These are:

  • always follow the instructions given by the rafting guide;
  • if (or should that be when?) you fall in, adopt a position on your back with legs together pointing downstream and keep hold of the paddle, you’ll need it later!
  • if (or when) someone else falls in, grab them by their life jacket to pull them back into the raft… never grab them by their hand;
  • if (or when) someone else falls, never jump in after them.The guides will do any heroic stuff that’s necessary -they’re trained for it, you aren’t!
  • if / when the raft hits a rock , lean in the direction of the rock –  this will help prevent the boat from capsizing;
  • where possible, avoid branches and trees growing over the water – these hurt and could lead to loss of place on raft!
  • don’t drink and drive - alcohol and white water rafting do not mix!
Otherwise, it’s jolly good fun and lots of laughs!