Radfems Have a Point: We Men Are Aggressive, Violent, and Rapey/Sexually Abusive As Hell

Posted on the 30 June 2018 by Calvinthedog

‘If you are a woman in the US, by age 50, odds are that you have been raped at least once and have had a man try to kill you.”

What the fuck, man?
Using the most generous interpretation (each of these cases is done to a different woman) over an 80 year life that would mean 7.7 million women would be raped. There are 150 million women in the U.S..
That’s 5%.

And 90% of cases never get reported. In my extended family alone, I have a boyfriend tried to murder his girlfriend with a meat cleaver and a girl getting molested by a ski-mask wearing maniac.

Every woman I know has not been raped or molested, but if you include all nonconsensual sex, you get more numbers. I am stunned at how many women I know have been raped or molested. Most were never reported. At one time, most of the women over 50 I knew had had a man try to murder them.

Others had been threatened by men, sometimes multiple times and even multiple times with guns. I know a woman who was shot in her head by her husband. He then kept her from medical treatment for a week until he took her to the hospital and dumped her in the parking lot. He was never charged. I can’t believe how many women I know who were molested as girls. If you include teenage boys as perpetrators, your numbers get higher.

You are a young guy. Wait until you get older and meet women with 50 years of life experience.

I know my gender. We are violent, aggressive, and homicidal. I’m not especially so, but I have been in fights before, have been attacked by other men, had other men threaten to murder me, and several men tried to murder me. And I tried to kill or maybe did kill a man myself, but then he was trying to murder me so hey.

I haven’t done a lot of violence in my life and it’s all been retaliatory in adulthood. But I can feel it inside of me. As a young man, I walked around feeling homicidal for years. Against my enemies, sure, but still. I feel like I have a homicidal maniac inside of me and I figure the rest of us do too. The only reason I am good is because I have been repressing my aggressive, violent and homicidal urges my whole life. I seriously doubt that I am alone. If this is how I, a good man, feels, just imagine how a bad man feels!

Look around at all of the violence in the US. Look at all the gun violence. Look at all the homicides. Look at all the rapes. Look at all the molestations. Look at all the serious assaults, batteries, kidnappings, tortures, threats including death threats, etc.

Almost all of this is being done by men. Mass shootings? How many are done by women? Armed robberies? Rapes? Kidnappings? Death threats? Murders, especially gun murders? Serious assaults?


Almost all of these crimes are being done by men. Women do few of any of these crimes.

That’s leaving out the psychological abuse that so many men inflict on their female lovers and spouses.

Women’s aggression and violence is verbal and psychological. Many men are damaged by women’s verbal and psychological abuse. I agree that women can be vicious as Hell in this area, and they can almost leave you with PTSD if you do not toughen up. But women just are not physically violent.

Anyway, I think that men are even more verbally and psychologically abusive and violent than women are! It’s just that we can’t let women off the hook here. They’re pretty horrible.

Face it, as far as aggression, violence, sex crimes,  etc. we men are just bad.

I often wonder why women put up with us at all considering all we do to them. Not only do they put up with us, they still love us like mad and even  center their whole lives around us. Either they’re addicts, very forgiving, or maybe they just love us too much to stop.