Rachel recently told Diva magazine that she spent a weekend in August “set[ting] sail on an immaculate tall ship through aquamarine waters in fairytale land, shivering my timbers and losing my land legs whilst working on ABC’s hit TV series Once Upon a Time.”
Clever Once Upon a Time fans at Oncenews.net looked back at previous casting notices and rumored filming dates, and came up with a theory that Rachel will be playing Milha in Season 2, Episode 4: “The Crocodile.” Episode 4 is the Captain Hook-centric episode, which would make Rachel’s comments about a tall ship and aquamarine waters totally appropriate.
A previous casting notice for OUAT had called for someone to play the character of Milha, “a woman who’s often at her village’s tavern and is bored with being a wife and mother. Yearning for adventure, she joins a band of thieves.”
Another popular theory is that Rachel will play Rumplestiltskin’s (Robert Carlyle) wife and Baelfire’s mother, which might make sense considering that Captain Hook and Rumple have history that goes way back.