Rachel Dolezal

Posted on the 18 June 2015 by Jobsanger

I can't exaggerate how sick I am of hearing about Rachel Dolezal (pictured at left) -- the former Seattle NAACP head that is accused of posing as a Black person. I can understand all the hullabaloo on social media. Social media has a huge number of idiots on it that will go crazy over any little thing -- especially if it doesn't concern them.
But the major media is another matter. They are supposed to be journalists -- not gossip-mongers. And yet they won't let this non-story die. Just yesterday, I saw a major media source acting like this was a real news story -- and accusing Ms. Dolezal of being a "race appropriator", or even worse, being guilty of "race theft".
Really? My first thought is why should we care how Ms. Dolezal lives her life. Did she commit a crime? NO. Did she hurt someone else? NO. In a free country, which her detractors claim this is, aren't people supposed to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit? YES.
This whole thing reminds me of the Southern racists who get all bent out of shape when they think an African-American is trying to live as though they were white. Why should any of us care about how another person lives their life, or how they identify themselves?
Maybe it's time for a refresher course on the concept of race. Race is a concept that has no basis in reality. It is a concept invented by White Europeans centuries ago to justify their theft of land, people, and resources in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. And it was continued in this country to justify genocide, slavery, and segregation.
Yes, humans come in all shapes and sizes -- and they have different skin colors, hair colors, and eye colors. None of that makes us different. We are all just members of the human race (homo sapiens). Classifying someone because of their skin color makes no more sense than classifying them because of eye or hair color. It's just stupid, and it's about time we moved past the outdated (and ridiculous) concept of race.
Rachel Doleful did nothing wrong. In fact, we should all be as guilty of fighting for human and equal rights as she is. Her detractors need to get a life of their own, and get the heck out of her life. We have a lot of real problems in this country. How Rachel Dolezal lives her life is not one of them.