Only a fool would think this country has no race problems, but in the last few months several other problems have overshadowed race as the most serious problem facing the country. As this chart shows, race has been down between 1% and 3% as the most serious problem in this country, while other problems (unemployment, poor government, the economy, immigration) have been bouncing around in low double-digits. That has now changed.
In the last month or so, thanks to the outrage over the continued killings of unarmed Black men and children (and the media's coverage of it), race has rebounded and is once again considered one of this nation's most serious problems. It went from 1% in November to 13% currently -- more than unemployment or immigration, and tied with the poor economy. Only bad government (at 15%) is considered a more serious problem by Americans.
The chart was made from information provided in recent Gallup Polls -- the latest being done between December 8th and 11th of a random national sample of 805 adults, with a margin of error of 4 points.