Raccoons in the USA and Russia

By Mendeleyeev

And you thought that this story would be about the raccoon that bit off a Russian man’s “manhood” didn’t you? Nope, that was back in 2009 but if you really want to know how the guy, drunk of course, thought it would be fun to rape a raccoon, well let’s just thank God for plastic surgery and here is the link: http://blogs.app.com/saywhat/2009/01/26/raccoon-bites-off-mans-manhood-in-rape-attack/

But we do plan to show you two raccoon videos. Oddly enough the first one is popular on Russian social media. For some reason Russians find American hillbilly characters to be fascinating and if a raccoon is part of the story, even better.

The second video is also a raccoon video. In Russia. This time the fire department is called out to rescue the raccoon that has escaped a local zoo and was terrorizing city neighborhoods. Enjoy!

Fun raccoon facts:

- Raccoons wash their food. But it isn’t for hygiene as much as to soften the food, because

- Raccoons have very sensitive teeth.

- Raccoons are colourblind.

Now for a raccoon joke:

A devout cowboy lost his Bible while mending fences out on the range. Three weeks later, a raccoon walked up to him carrying the Bible in its mouth. The cowboy couldn’t believe his eyes. He took the precious book out of the raccoon’s mouth, raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed, “It’s a miracle!” “Not really,” said the raccoon. “Your name is written in the inside cover.”