Rabbit Heart

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Hello Ladies and Lads! It is already April, I promise not to full anybody! (wink)I have been away from blogland but you all know I have been having more than a blast.I have so much to share with you all, from my journey to my first Athens Xclusive Designer, which by the way left me with so many feelings I still can not handle.My Big surprises for you all, the interviews from young and talented designers, I have sworn myself to secrecy, but my IG feed is not rally working with me on the secrecy path.As a young, kind and talented designer told me while humbly sitting with me on the stairs of the venue of AXDW, I will be leaving you for now with a little glimpse into the perfect journey of Athens Xclusive Designers Week,I will put on my rabbit heart and head off to read your posts right away!