Rabbanut Considering Revoking Certification of Rav Metzger

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Legal Counsel of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel has announced that it is going to be holding a disciplinary hearing against former Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger to deal with the question as to whether or not they should revoke his title of "Rav" because of his conviction for bribery. If they decide to revoke, they will be revoking his various titles and qualifications, including "neighborhood rav", "city rav", and his certification for officiating at weddings.
They plan to do the same for Rav Avraham Yosef, Chief Rabbi of Holon, because of his indictment, but will only do so after a conviction. There has already been a plea bargain announced in that case, so presumably, unless something changes drastically, that is going to happen at some point.
Regarding Rav Yoshiyahu Pinto, no action will be taken because he does not have any semicha certification from the Rabbanut.
source: Kikar
If they go down this road they will be pretty busy dealing with all the rabbis in the prisons, especially with the politicians from Shas. At least they will mostly only have to deal with one prison, as that is where most of the criminal rabbis get sent to.
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