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Opening hours: Wednesday 08:30 - 13:00


How to Create the Perfect Sleep Environment

The Perfect Sleep Environment Did you wake up this morning feeling refreshed? If not, you’re not alone. According to the recently published Great British Sleep Survey, people from Northern Ireland are considered among the ‘Worst Sleepers’ in the UK. What Keeps us Awake? Citing bodily discomfort, noise, partners, room temperature and light levels as the…
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Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite

Dust Mites and Allergies  How many of us as children remember hearing the rhyme ‘Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don’t Let The Bedbugs Bite’ before bedtime? No surprise when we  consider that the average person shares a bed with over two million house dust mites. According to the national charity, Allergy UK, the bedroom is the most allergic room…
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New Year, New Bed?

Sleep, beautiful sleep Now that the New Year has arrived, maybe you’ve decided that this is the year that you’re going to sleep better.  Often unaware that our bed is one of the main reasons for not sleeping well, sleeping in a bed that no longer provides the proper support or comfort can affect the…
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Warm up to an Electric Blanket

Banish the Winter Chill With a cold snap predicted, we’re all turning our minds to keeping warm at night. So what’s a cheap and safe way to keep your bed toasty?  A popular choice is an electric blanket to stave off that winter chill. With a range of under blankets, over blankets and duvets, electric blankets…
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Is the Cold Keeping you Awake at Night?

How does the cold affect sleep? With the snow still lying on the ground and the freezing temperatures set to continue it’s no wonder we’re all retreating to our bedrooms to snuggle up and keep warm. Research* has shown that, similar to animals, humans have their own kind of hibernation during the winter months with adults…
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Top Tips on Buying a New Bed

Am I due a new bed? According to research by the Furniture Industry Research Association, 2011 ‘A bed may have deteriorated by as much as 70% from its ‘as new’ state after 10 years. It also showed that beds as little as six years old could offer significantly less support and comfort than a new one, thanks…
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Love Your Bed

Choosing the right bed With Valentine’s Day less than a week away, isn’t it time you fell in love with your bed again? When we consider that we spend a third of our life in bed, getting a good night’s sleep ensures that we wake up refreshed and ready to face the world.  Of course,…
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Spring Clean Your Bed

At the end of a long day is there anything more inviting than slipping in to a fresh, clean bed?  We spend a third of our lives in bed so it’s important that our bedrooms are comfortable and healthy spaces.  And with spring just a few short weeks away what better time to give our…
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Northern Ireland Loses Out On Sleep

Great British Bedtime Report  According to a major new report published today (March 1) by The Sleep Council the average person in Northern Ireland has less sleep than the rest of the population in the United Kingdom. The Report found: 11:28pm – time average person in Northern Ireland Briton goes to bed. Average person gets 6hrs 19…
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Exercise Your Way to Better Sleep

Can exercise improve sleep? We all know that a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise is good for us, but did you know that our sleep patterns are affected by the amount of physical activity we engage in? Whilst seven to eight hours sleep may be typical, not everyone needs nor indeed sleeps for this number of…
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Back Pain – Choosing the Right Bed

It is estimated that four out of every five adults (80%) will experience back pain at some stage in their life.*  Whilst there are many physical and psychosocial factors that contribute to back pain – heavy physical work, frequent bending, twisting, lifting, obesity, stress, anxiety, depression – it’s worth remembering that a good bed, providing correct support and comfort,…
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Help your child get a good night’s sleep

If you’ve been watching Channel 4’s Bedtime Live programme, you’ll understand what it’s like for parents with children who don’t sleep. We all know that sleep is important. It’s vital for our physical, mental and emotional well-being. When our children have sleep issues it can be exhausting, affecting the whole family, It was found that sleep…
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Do we need 8 hours sleep?

‘The Myth of the Eight Hour Sleep‘ recently featured on the BBC website looked at a study conducted by Thomas Wehr in the early 1990s, when a group of people had been ‘plunged’ into darkness for 14 hours every day for a month. Interestingly, this study found that the group had settled into a pattern of sleeping…
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How to care for your mattress

A good quality mattress with the right base can make a big difference to having a good night’s sleep. The correct mattress aids deeper, more refreshing sleep by giving you better support. Considering a premium quality mattress can last up to 7 years, buying a new mattress is a long term investment and you should…
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Is snoring keeping you awake at night?

  Have you ever lain awake at night or been disrupted from your sleep by a partner that snores? Perhaps you are the person that is snoring and it is affecting your partner’s sleeping pattern. Whichever way, snoring can have a significant impact on our ability to get a good night’s sleep and potentially affect our relationships.…
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Wake up to birdsong!

Make the Dawn Chorus Part of Your Daily Ritual As International Dawn Chorus Day (Sunday 6 May) approaches, maybe it’s time to change those sleeping habits and wake up earlier.  Held annually on the first Sunday in May, International Dawn Chorus Day encourages people to rise early to listen to bird song.  Dawn Chorus Day…
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Is lack of sleep affecting teens’ education?

  Teens and sleep deprivation A recent study by Boston College found that Sleep Deprivation plays an important role in lowering the achievement of schoolchildren. The research suggested the problem is more prevalent in more affluent countries, with sleep experts linking it to the use of mobile phones and computers in bedrooms late at night. The…
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Is your sleeping position causing you back pain?

Ever woken up and thought to yourself: ‘I’m all aches and pains, I mustn’t have slept right’? This problem is more common than you think. And, for those with back problems, may be exacerbated by sleeping in the wrong position in an unsupportive bed.  Back pain is also more likely to keep you awake when your…
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Is buying a bigger bed better?

Bed Size Matters! As parents, one of the many milestones in our children’s lives is the transition from cot to bed.  Buying your child’s first bed is an exciting experience and ultimately it is all about giving them more freedom, space and room to grow. How many of us though give ourselves the same star…
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Beat the heat for a great night’s sleep

Keeping cool in the summer  While we all love to see the sunshine arrive, the accompanying heat can sometimes be difficult to bear at night. An overly warm room can make sleeping difficult often leading to restlessness and discomfort. We know from research that the ideal temperature for a bedroom is between 16-18°C (60-65°F) but when…
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What is Sleep Apnoea?

There has been much discussion in recent weeks about sleep apnoea since John Cleese tweeted a photograph to see if he suffered from the condition. The image showed Cleese covered in wires as part of an experiment to check whether he had the condition. So, what exactly is sleep apnoea? The NHS describes the condition as…
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Top 6 Sleep Myths

Have you ever said to someone: ‘I had a bad night’s sleep last night’, for them to respond by saying: ‘Get your head down for a few hours this afternoon and you’ll be alright’?  They may be right in that a quick nap can help rejuvenate the body but if napping after 3pm, it may…
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Don’t Let Stress Steal Your Slumber

  According to The Sleep Council’s Great British Bedtime report, the economic downturn has meant that many people are too anxious to sleep. The report found that 47% of the respondents to the survey said that stress or worry was keeping them awake at night:rising to 54% of women, compared to 40% of men. Jessica Alexander…
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Choosing the Perfect Mattress

Considering  we spend a third of our life in bed, a good mattress is a serious investment.  It really is worth the time to get to know what mattress options are available and what type is best for you. A good quality mattress aids deeper, more refreshing sleep and gives your body better support. Quick Guide to Buying a New Mattress…
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New Mum Sleep Tips

As the world waits with bated breath on the new Royal baby, those of us who’ve been there before know only too well what those first few weeks of sleepless nights are like when a new baby arrives. No doubt Kate will hear the oft-quoted phrase ‘Sleep when the baby sleeps’ numerous times in the…
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Summer Slumbers

If we’re not complaining about the weather, we’re complaining about the weather! The last few weeks of sunshine have been glorious, but undoubtedly the ‘heat wave’ has taken its toll on many of us. Hot, sticky nights being the biggest bug bear of all.  As the temperatures crept up lots of people experienced sleepless nights due…
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Bed and Mattress Trends

Bed and Mattress Developments Beds and mattresses have come a long way from their humble origins when people slept on a simple base of straw or other natural material. Over the centuries we have witnessed significant developments in the bed and mattress market.  With a range of mattress options now available including continuous/open spring mattresses, pocket sprung, memory foam, latex…
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Student Essentials

Now that the ‘A’ Level results are out and young people are preparing to head off to college and university it’s time to get them kitted out for their new ventures.  As a local family business, with a set of business values you’d like to expect but don’t always get nowadays, we know that every…
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Back to School Sleep Tips

The novelist Margaret Laurence famously said: “Holidays are enticing only for the first week or so.  After that, it is no longer such a novelty to rise late and have little to do.”  Rising late, going to bed late and being ‘BORED’ are all synonymous with school holidays. However, it’s not only kids that breathe…
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Taking a Fresh Look at Kaymed Gel Bed Technology

What is Gel Bed Technology  At Dalzell’s we always like to stay ahead of the game when it comes to the latest bed and mattress developments.  One of the newest bed technologies retailed in recently years is gel. A flexible material, usually combined with other mattress fillings e.g. pocket springs or memory foam, Gel Beds…
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Health Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

The start of September signifies many new beginnings. From children starting school, to the first signs of autumn. Did you know that it could also mark the start of a whole new sleep routine?  Sleeptember, a new and exciting initiative from The Sleep Council, has been launched to remind everyone of the health benefits of a…
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Latex Mattresses – The Essential Guide

We all know a good quality mattress can make the difference between having a good night’s sleep or a fitful one. The right mattress aids deeper, more refreshing sleep by giving better support. Considering a premium quality mattress can last up to 7 years, buying a new mattress is a long term investment and you…
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Sleeptember Slumbers

As Sleeptember draws to a close we reflect on some of the key sleep facts The Sleep Council has shared with us during this month long campaign dedicated to helping people get a healthy night’s sleep. Key Sleep Facts Sleep is essential for health and wellbeing. Without it we’re moody, irritable, prone to infections and…
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Layer up this Autumn with Luxurious Bedding Essentials

As the long nights draw in is there anything more inviting that sinking into a warm and cosy bed! While spring is synonymous with clearing out clutter and cleaning, darker evenings make us all want to layer up and snuggle down in between our duvets and pillows. Of course what could be snugger than an…
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Pocket Spring Beds – The Essential Guide

Are you falling foul to dips and troughs in your bed? Are you or your partner losing sleep as you slump together in a bed that isn’t providing the right support? Maybe a pocket spring bed is the answer! Benefits of Pocket Sprung Beds Pocket Spring Beds and mattresses contain hundreds of individual springs that…
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Celebrate National Sleep In Day with a Lie In!

As a parent of small children it’s not often I get a chance of a lie-in but with next Sunday, 27th October marking National Sleep In Day – the day that we can turn back our clocks by an hour – you never know, it might just happen! Northern Ireland Sleep Habits According to a major report…
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What’s Your Ideal Bed of the Future?

It’s fair to say we all love our beds. Given that we spend a third of our lives in them we want to make sure they offer us the best possible comfort and support. Not just determined by the layout of our bedroom and the space we have available, our bed choices are influenced by our design…
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Things That Go Bump In The Night

It’s late and we are sleepy, The air is cold and still. Our jack-o-lantern grins at us Upon the window sill. We’re stuffed with cake and candy And we’ve had a lot of fun, But now it’s time to go to bed And dream of all we’ve done. We’ll dream of ghosts and goblins And…
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Guest Bed Solutions for the Festive Season

With just over six weeks until Christmas many of us are already in full planning mode. The festive season brings many challenges: what to get that certain someone who is particularly difficult to buy for, making that all important decision about whether it’s going to be turkey, goose or beef for Christmas day lunch, and…
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Top Tips on how to Survive the Party Season

As the Christmas party season beckons, how many of us are beginning to worry how all those late nights will affect us? Well OK, it’s probably not the first thing you’re thinking about. There’s the outfit to sort, the babysitters to organise and of course, the working week to contend with first! (more…)
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The Essential Guide to Adjustable Beds

Why choose an adjustable bed? There’s nothing better than waking in the morning feeling refreshed and energised after a good night’s sleep. Essential for our health and well-being sleep rejuvenates the body and mind and prepares us for the day ahead. (more…)
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Preparing For Visitors This Festive Season

                                      Guest Bed Solutions  It’s that time of year when we are all refreshing our decor so our homes are looking at their best – from the annual winter clean, to a quick retouch of the paintwork,…
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Christmas Sleep Tips for Children

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads…’ ‘The…
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Make a New Bed Your New Year’s Resolution

Now that the Christmas festivities are over for another year, many of us are turning our attention to making New Year Resolutions for the incoming year.  Whether it’s giving up something or starting afresh with a new regime, there’s no better resolution to make than promising yourself a great night’s sleep. (more…)
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Is Your Bed a Pain?

Did you wake up this morning with aches and pains? Well, you’re not alone. Recent research by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) found that nearly one in three people experience back and neck pain after a night’s sleep. The survey also found that one third (33 per cent) of people only change their mattress once every ten years,…
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The Power of the Pillow

There’s been a lot of press coverage this week about the recently launched ‘Power Pillow’. The brainchild of a Canadian-based company, the pillow houses a 12000mAh lithium-polymer battery pack, with two USB ports to charge your phones, tablets or any USB device.  It promises to ‘… recharge your body, mind, phone and tablet all at the same time’. Genius idea or…
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Spotlight on King Koil Orthopaedic Mattresses

Founded by Samuel Bronstein in 1898, King Koil has for over a century manufactured the highest-quality beds and mattresses in the market today.  One of the leading Orthopaedic Bed brands in the world, King Koil produces some of the most advanced Spinal Comfort mattresses and is the only brand endorsed by the International Chiropractors Association…
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An Essential Guide to Memory Foam Mattresses

What are Memory Foam Mattresses? We all know a good quality mattress can make the difference between having a good night’s sleep or a fitful one. Choosing the right mattress for our needs aids deeper, more refreshing sleep by giving better support. Considering a premium quality mattress can last up to 7 years it’s worth…
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If sleep be the food of love, snooze on!

Ok, so we’re having a shameful play around with one of the most famous quotes from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Now we’re not suggesting we take sleep to excess like Orsino, but like love, sleep is an essential part of our human make-up. (more…)
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7 Tips to Spring Clean Your Bed

Is Your Bed Up To Scratch? Now that spring has finally sprung many of us our turning our minds to cleaning the home. Our bedrooms in particular need a good deep down clean at this time of year. From freshening up our bed linen to airing the mattress there are lots of ways to breathe…
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The Cycles of Sleep

As Giro d’Itlalia fever still courses through our veins after a fantastic weekend in Northern Ireland, we’ve all been in the pink watching the cyclists power-house through the cities, towns and villages in our wee country. A double celebration for us at Dalzell’s as not only did the teams pass by our showrooms in Markethill but we’ve gone all…
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The Ultimate Football Fan Gift List

  With the World Cup looming ,and Father’s Day fast approaching, you may find yourself stuck for gift ideas, but don’t panic, we’ve got you covered! Hard to escape, football fever is taking over especially if you live in a house with footie fans. Short of planning an extended break away, why not go all…
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Summer Solstice Sleep Tips

People from all over the UK and Ireland rose early today to celebrate Summer Solstice. Celebrated for thousands of years, the longest day of the year is when we have the most sunlight and heralds the start of summer in the northern hemisphere. With all this glorious sunshine the feel good factor can be felt all…
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New RespaGel Bed & Mattress Collection

The RespaGel Collection Respa have constantly evolved and innovated over their near 70 year history as technology and materials have changed. Their latest offering though is something entirely new and a small break from traditional bed manufacturing – Gel Technology or RespaGel. Respa have teamed up with a leading Gel Manufacturer to research and develop…
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Royams Donna Riser Recliner Wins Which? Best Buy

Royams Wins Which? Best Buy! Lancashire based Royams has won the prestigious Which? accolade of Best Buy Riser Recliner 2014 in their recent awards. The coveted title was won after stringent independent testing and against fierce opposition from other leading Recliner Chair manufacturers including Sherborne Upholstery. The Sherborne Donna Riser Recliner won the award having…
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New Respa Serenity Bed & Mattress Collection

The Respa Serenity Collection Leading Irish brand Respa have launched an exciting new collection of Pocket Sprung Beds and Mattresses for 2014 that incorporate the latest advances in comfort and hygiene. The new Respa Serenity collection utilises their famous RespaForm Pocket Springs and two fascinating breakthroughs, ‘Purotex Active Probiotics’ and ‘Adaptive’. Purotex Active Probiotics is…
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Free Pillow Set Promotion – With Any Divan Bed Or Mattress!

Free Pillows Promotion! Purchase Any Divan Bed Or Mattress from us at Dalzells until further notice and you’ll receive a complimentary set of Pownall & Hampson Bedroom Couture Pillows! This is in addition to: Free delivery throughout Northern Ireland and Counties Dublin, Louth and Monaghan Free old Divan Bed/Mattress Collection & Recycling Free unpacking and…
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In-store Cashback Voucher!

Visiting us in-store at Dalzells Beds? Be sure to print or download the voucher shown above to your phone or tablet before arriving to gain significant additional Cash Discounts + A Free Pillow Set! Simply produce your Voucher on being greeted by our team. Vaild to January 31st 2016. (more…)
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The Benefits of a Sleep Diary

One of the most common questions our customers ask our staff when buying a new bed is: ‘Will this help me sleep better?’ The simple answer is yes, especially if you’ve been experiencing sleep disturbance because of an old, worn and uncomfortable bed. However, replacing an old bed with a new bed is only one part…
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Now Stocking Breasley Mattresses & Beds!

Breasley Retailer Dalzells are pleased to announce that we are now an Approved Breasley Retailer for Northern Ireland – In-store and online. Established almost 50 years ago, Breasley is the the UK and Ireland’s leading Vacuum Packed Mattress manufacturer, in large part due to their innovative application of Memory Foam. Manufactured here in the UK…
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King Koil Club Class – Buy Enhanced Retail Equivalent Here!

King Koil Club Class – Trusted By Ireland’s Top Hotels Had a memorable stay at one of Ireland’s top 5 Star Hotels where you experienced a dreamy slumber? Was your sleep so restful as to prompt you to lift the sheets and investigate the origins of the mattress or divan bed? If so, it was…
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Recliner Chairs – The Ultimate in Reclining Comfort

When it comes to relaxing in the evening nothing quite compares to a recliner chair. Previously used solely for health reasons, recliner chairs have developed through the years, thanks in part to innovate design and new technologies, to become a popular addition in most living rooms. (more…)
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Sleeptember Stress Busters

With the launch of Sleeptember the Sleep Council’s latest research found that 90% of people admit to suffering from some form of stress in their lives, with almost two out of five saying they are regularly, frequently or constantly stressed. In Northern Ireland 88% of people say they suffer sleep problems when stressed (UK Highest) and 76% have suffered from a sleep disorder. A…
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Staples Traditional Collection – Available at Dalzells Beds

Staples History Staples Beds have launched a new collection of pocket spring beds and mattresses offering the ultimate in luxurious comfort. One of the key manufacturers of quality, handmade beds in the UK with a long tradition of craftsmanship, Staples have been an active supplier to Royal Households and indeed have procured natural fillings from organic British…
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A Guide to Vacuum Packed Mattresses

What are Vacuum Packed Mattresses? Relatively lightweight and easy to transport, vacuum packed mattresses are ideal for those that need a mattress in a hurry as you can purchase and take away on the same day in most instances. Rolled up mattresses are compressed, rolled and vacuum packed to around quarter of their full size, making…
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Now Stocking Hypnos Beds!

Hypnos Retailer Northern Ireland! We’re excited to announce that Dalzells Beds are now an official Hypnos Beds Retailer for Northern Ireland following our successful visit to the National Bed Federation’s annual Bed Show in Telford. Hypnos Beds & Mattresses Hypnos, which has recently been a key constituent of a high profile TV advertising campaign featuring…
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Now Stocking Jay-Be Folding Beds!

Jay-Be Retailer Northern Ireland! Dalzells are now a proud online and in-store Jay-Be Retailer in Northern Ireland! Jay-Be are widely regarded as the bed industries Guest Bed Specialist with their highly innovative, durable and comfortable Folding Beds. More recently this has extended into a growing range of highly desirable Sofa Beds in a wide range…
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Cian Healy Joins Kaymed/King Koil As Brand Ambassador

Cian Healy – Brand Ambassador (King Koil & Kaymed) Rugby Union super star Cian Healey has joined Kaymed Woolfson, the folks behind leading Irish Bed brands Kaymed and King Koil as a brand ambassador for their latest offering which has been targeted at those amongst us of more robust proportions that require greater support for…
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Now Stocking ‘The Natural Sleep Company’ Beds!

The Natural Sleep Company Retailer Here at Dalzells Beds celebrating having welcomed another great Irish Bed brand to our ever growing collection. The Natural Sleep Company are a family business established in County Limerick more than 30 Years ago by local man James Hayes. James, having taken his apprenticeship with another bed manufacturer in Cork and…
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Fall Back…to Sleep!

As the evenings draw in and the mornings become increasingly darker, autumn marks the beginning of our shorter days. And with the clocks going back this weekend, Sunday 26th October, it’ll not be too long before we’re waking up in the dark, and travelling home in the dark too. One consolation in all this gloomy…
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How to Choose a New Bed

If you’re thinking of treating yourself to a new bed this Christmas or New Year, arm yourself with all the necessary information so you can make an informed choice. Buying a new bed is a long term investment. Considering the average lifespan of a mattress is around 7 years, it’s worth spending as much as…
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How to Choose a New Mattress

In part 1 of our guide ‘How to choose a new bed‘, we looked at the important decisions to be made when buying a new bed. In this post we will consider what to look for when buying a new mattress. A good quality mattress with the right base can make the difference between having a…
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Top 5 Festive Buys This Christmas

Yes, it’s that time of the year again when we’re full of festive cheer and running around snapping up those bargain buys and great deals for Christmas. It’s the time for giving and receiving, and unless you’re a bah humbug type, you’re probably relishing the idea of watching your loved ones open up their pressies…
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Out With The Old And In With The New…Bed!

The New Year signifies a time of change and transformation, offering us the chance to discard those things that hold us back. For many the New Year encourages us to kick bad habits and establish new routines, from getting fit, eating healthier, to getting more and better sleep.  Most adults need between six and nine hours of…
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How Much Sleep Do We need?

The National Sleep Foundation has produced new guidelines on how much sleep we need throughout our life.  Along with a multi-disciplinary expert panel, the NSF revised the recommended sleep ranges for all six children and teen age groups. Even though sleep patterns are individual, ie there’s no magic number, the new NSF guidelines show us the amount…
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Storage Solutions for a Small Bedroom

They say you can never have too much storage. How right ‘they’ are! For anyone with a small bedroom finding space to store away clothes, bed linen and, where kids are concerned, toys, can seem like a constant battle. Bed manufacturers have cottoned on to this problem by coming up with some innovative ways to making…
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Now Stocking Harrison Beds!

Harrison Beds Retailer Dalzells are now proud stockists of Harrison Beds! Part of the family owned Harrison Spinks Group of companies, Harrison Beds boast a bedding dynasty which champions handmade artisan luxury that bridges six generations back to the firms establishment in 1889. (more…)
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Staples Promotion – 2 Free Divan Drawers

Staples Beds Here at Dalzells we stock a wide selection of Staples Beds and they’ve been hugely popular with our customers for many a year. (more…)
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Myers Promotion – 2 Free Divan Drawers

Myers Beds Myers Beds have been a particular favourite with shoppers here at Dalzells for many years, offering exceptional value and pillows full of that most important commodity, restful sleep! (more…)
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The New Sherborne Hampton Adjustable Bed

Sherborne Adjustable Beds Sherborne Upholstery’s leap into the Adjustable Bed market 3 years ago has been hugely successful, perhaps unsurprising giving Sherborne’s leading position in Recliner Chairs. Nevertheless, the premium Sherborne Dorchester Adjsutable Bed has gained rave reviews from customers and medical professionals alike with it’s superb operation, finish and durability. The only negative perhaps…
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Glenanne Mill – Local Mattress Advances, Global Impact

Damask Mattress Ticking – Invented in Glenanne! Did you know that the South Armagh village of Glenanne, just 4 miles from us here at Dalzells Beds in Markethill was once at the very centre of Mattress production across much of the world? What’s more, that it is home to an innovation in Mattress design and…
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National Bed Month

As Spring approaches The Sleep Council, through its Bed Month campaign, reminds us that it might be time to be thinking about giving grotty old mattresses their marching orders – and invest in a better night’s sleep with a comfortable new bed. Considering we spend a third of our life in bed, getting a good night’s…
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Harrison Beds Promotion – 2 Free Divan Drawers!

Harrison Beds Harrison Beds are a new arrival here at Dalzells but they’re certainly no stranger to the discerning bed shopper. The heritage and craftsmanship of these outstanding Divan Beds and Mattresses are almost without rival. (more…)
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Now Stocking Salus Beds!

Salus Beds Retailer We at Dalzells have proudly added yet another top brand to our growing offering of Bed manufacturers. Say “Hello” to Salus Beds! Part of the Breasley Group of companies, The Salus Collection combines the unique properties of Visco Elestic Memory Foam, individual Pocket Springs and Cocona Natural Technology. More recently Salus has…
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Now Stocking Relyon Beds!

Relyon Beds Retailer Success! We’re now a retailer of premium bed manufacturer Relyon following our successful recent visit to the NBF’s Bed Show in Telford! Part of the Steinhoff Group which also includes Myers, Staples and Dunlopillo, Relyon can trace their heritage right back to their establishment by Wool Merchants the Price Brothers in the…
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Now Stocking MiBed Adjustable Beds!

MiBed Retailer We’re very proud to have added Furmanac’s MiBed to our growing offering of mobility products. MiBed by Furmanac, is the UK’s market leader in Adjustable Beds and is widely stocked by both multiples such as Dreams and independents alike. A specialist mobility manufacturer, MiBed offer an unrivalled range of Adjustable Beds with a…
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Now Stocking MiChair Recliners

MiChair Retailer Our offering of Recliner Chairs have taken a boost this week on adding Furmanac’s MiChair brand! MiChair by Frumanac is one of the UK’s leading Specialist Mobility Manufacturers and is widely stocked by large multiples and independents alike. MiBed Riser Recliner and Recliner Chairs are available in a wide range of Sizes, Fabrics…
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Kaymed Trade Show 2015!

We had an enjoyable evening last week at the Kaymed Trade Show in Belfast where the brands 2016 Collection was unveiled. Beyond the new products and refinements in others, their ‘Point Of Sale’ has noticeably improved in quality and appeal, especially the new ‘Light Boxes’ – See in-store! Kaymed 2016 Collection! Kaymed have certainly been…
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Kaymed Win NBF Award – “Highly Commended”

Bed Manufacturer Of The Year – Highly Commended We only learned after our visit to the NBF (National Bed Federation) Bed Show in Telford last month that Kaymed, one of our favourite brands, had been awarded ‘Highly Commended’ status in the ‘Bed Manufacturer of the Year’ category. Well done guys! (more…)
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New – Kaymed Response Gel!

Having seen Kaymed Response Gel demonstrated at Kaymed’s recent Trade Show and been thoroughly impressed, we think it’s worth of a dedicated blog. It’s going to be big! Kaymed Response Gel is a combination of highly breathable instantly responsive pressure relieving material which is carefully infused with Kaymed’s patented ‘Gel Bead’ temperature control technology. (more…)
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King Koil Trade Show 2015!

Late last week we attended the annual King Koil Trade Show in Belfast were the 2016 Collection was unveiled. Five New Models, a long awaited Ottoman Base and a new range of Pillows, Duvets, Mattress and Pillow Protectors. (more…)
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Harrison Wins NBF Award – ‘Bed Manufacturer of The Year’

Bed Manufacturer Of The Year! A big congratulations to Harrison Beds who have won the prestigious NBF (National Bed Federation) ‘Bed Manufacturer Of The Year’ award at the Telford Bed Show – Congratulations guys! (more…)
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Three Steps to a Better Night’s Sleep

Research shows that more and more of us are not getting enough sleep. In fact, 33% of us get by on less than 6 hours slumber a night! Given that a lack of sleep can cause problems with our mental and physical health, it’s worth establishing a few new ground rules for a better night’s sleep. (more…)
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5 Tips to Better Teen Sleep

Is your teen sleep deprived? With exams just around the corner, young people up and down the country are risking peak performance by losing out on essential sleep. Whether it’s due to pulling all-nighters for exam revision or having too much screen time, sleep loss can have a significant impact on young people’s health, behaviour, mood, concentration, memory and, ultimately, performance…
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7 Stress Busting Tips to Help You Sleep

Not all stress is bad, right? You know the drill. It’s Sunday evening, you’re lying in bed just about to nod off when, pop!, you’ve just joined the wide awake club. Whether it’s work, family, financial or health worries, all these stressful thoughts can make it difficult to fall asleep, and even stay asleep! If stress is…
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MAYbe it’s Time you Changed to a New Mattress?

To get the best possible night’s sleep so we look and feel at our best, The Sleep Council recommends we consider changing to a new mattress about every seven years. Considering we spend a third of our life in bed, a good mattress is a serious investment – it aids deeper, more refreshing sleep and gives your body better support. So, is your mattress up to…
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Sleep Better to Feel Better

Monday 16th May marks the beginning of Mental Health Week. According to the Mental Health Foundation: ‘Poor sleep is linked to physical problems such as a weakened immune system and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.’ We spend a third of our life in bed, so why compromise on the cost of a…
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What Your Sleep Position Says About You

Have you ever wondered what your sleep position says about you?  It may come as a surprise, but sleep researchers have been studying sleep positions for years and have found a correlation between sleep position and personality. (more…)
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7 Tips for a Cooler Night’s Sleep

With all this wonderful sunshine, the feel good factor can be felt all around as we make the most of the balmy days. Of course hot, sunny days also mean hot, sticky nights. And for many of us the nighttime heat can lead to disrupted sleep. So, how can we enjoy the sunshine and still get a good night’s sleep?…
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How Much Sleep Do Children Need?

When our children have sleep issues it can be exhausting, affecting the whole family. If they don’t get enough sleep, their behaviour and mood can be affected. They may become hyperactive at night leading to drowsiness during the day. Sleep affects children’s ability to learn and function, and helps their bodies fight off illness. Ultimately, sleep helps children to rest…
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How to Prepare for Holiday Guests

With the summer holidays now in full swing, many of us have visitors coming to stay. Of course, guests coming to visit also means we will be wondering how we are going to accommodate them. At Dalzell’s, we like to take the stress out of welcoming your visitors. With a wide range of guest beds, folding beds,…
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You Don’t Have to be an Olympian to Get Better Sleep

With the Olympics now underway there’ll be a fair share of sleepless nights as we catch up on all the action. While we certainly don’t advocate staying up late every night to watch your favourite athlete, the Olympics might just be that little bit of inspiration you need to help you start that exercise routine. We know…
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How to keep cool on summer nights

With all this glorious sunshine, the feel good factor can be felt all around as people make the most of these balmy days with BBQs and soaking up the rays. Of course, hot sunny days also mean hot sticky nights and – for many – disrupted sleep! With the temperature to remain warm this week in…
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7 Reasons Why a Bigger Bed is Better

We’re often asked by our customers what size of bed is best. And the answer is always the same: when it comes to beds, a bigger bed is better. So, why is a bigger bed better? (more…)
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Tips on how to choose a new bed

Are you in the market for a new bed but confused about what type to buy?  Check out our handy bed buying guide below on how to choose the right model for you. Buying a New Bed Buying a new bed is a long term investment and you should buy the best you can afford. A good bed…
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Six Foods to Help you Sleep Better

Getting the right amount of sleep helps us deal with the day ahead. Too little and we’re just not functioning at our best. Of course, getting a good night’s sleep requires us to follow good lifestyle habits and to eliminate the factors that are causing disturbed sleep. Avoiding foods and drinks that hinder sleep and…
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Essential Uni Starter Kit

The wait is over and the results are in. The months (and years) of hard work and studying round the clock are a distant memory, albeit temporarily. For those of you with children off to college and university, new beginnings and broader horizons await. And, of course, the day will arrive too when they’ll be leaving…
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How to establish children’s bedtime routines

Sleep is vital for our physical, mental and emotional well-being: being sleep deprived can affect concentration and memory. When children don’t get enough sleep their behaviour and mood can be affected; it can also impact on their ability to learn. Children need different amounts of sleep – the younger the child, the more sleep they need. With…
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New Parent Sleep Tips

The arrival of a new baby heralds great joy for families. Those first few days when you can’t get enough of your new bundle of joy is so precious. Unfortunately though, for many new parents, the first few weeks with a new baby can also be stressful as you try and establish a sleep routine. (more…)
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7 Tips to Ease Back Pain When Sleeping

This Back Care Awareness Week we’re reminded that approximately four out of every five adults will experience back pain at some stage in their life. Whilst there are many physical and psycho-social factors that contribute to back pain – heavy physical work, frequent bending, twisting, lifting, obesity, stress, anxiety and depression – it’s worth remembering that a good supportive bed has an important…
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Six Tips To Help You Sleep Better During Menopause

Today marks World Menopause Day held each year on the 18th October to raise awareness of midlife women’s health. One of the many symptoms that women experience during the menopause is sleeplessness. For many, sleepless nights can be brought on by a number of different factors from restless legs to night sweats, depression to stress. We’ve consulted…
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Fall Back to Sleep on National Sleep In Day

As the evenings draw in autumn marks the beginning of our shorter days and darker nights. On Sunday 28th October the clocks go back giving way to cosy nights and hygge lifestyles. Sunday also marks National Sleep In Day – The Sleep Council’s annual campaign that celebrates the extra hour we all get in bed. Yes, it’s…
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Trick or Treat Too Tired to Sleep!

Whether it’s too many sugary treats, or too spooked to sleep, some children will find it difficult to nod off this Halloween night. So, to help all those parents who might be struggling with their children’s sleep, we’ve put together our top tips to turn a potentially frightful night into a dream-filled delight. (more…)
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Eight Stress Relieving Sleep Tips

Common Signs of Stress Stress can manifest itself in many different ways. Physically your heart might pound, you might feel breathless or a quickening of your breath, you might sweat or feel tense. However, prolonged periods of stress can often lead to more serious symptoms, such as depression, mood swings, sleep problems, anxiety, lack of…
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Seven Festive Tips to Prepare for Christmas Guests

As Christmas approaches, many of us are busy preparing our homes for the festive season. From decorating the tree to organising the Christmas shop, the added pressure of holiday guests coming to stay can sometimes leave us a little overwhelmed. To help take the stress out of the holiday season this year, we’ve prepared the following tips to make sure you…
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Christmas Opening Hours At Dalzells

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! As a family-owned business, we would also like to express our thanks to you, our loyal and growing customer base, for all your support throughout the year. In the year ahead, we look forward to continuing to…
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Ring In The Changes With A New Bed in 2019

As we get ready to ring in 2019, for many of us our thoughts are turning to setting New Year resolutions. Whether it’s starting to lead a healthier lifestyle or committing to take on a new challenge, for many of us our new year resolutions can only mean one thing – sleeping better! (more…)
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7 Tips on Buying A New Bed

  How to choose a new bed Buying a new bed is a long-term investment and considering the average lifespan of a mattress is around 7 – 8 years, it’s worth spending as much as you can afford. When choosing a new bed we recommend you arm yourself with all the necessary information beforehand. We’ve put together…
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Bedroom Spring Cleaning Hacks

Whether you’re a die-hard Marie Kondo fan or a fully-fledged member of the ‘Hinch Army’, there’s definitely something about the clocks going forward that gives us the spring cleaning bug. And where better to start your cleaning routine than the bedroom. From freshening up the bedlinen to vacuuming the floor and airing the mattress, there are lots…
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How Stress Affects Our Sleep

April is National Stress Awareness Month.   According to the Mental Health Foundation, ‘74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope’. As scary as those statistics are, we also know that if stress isn’t managed properly it can seriously impact our health.…
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Back To School Bedtime Routines for Children

Rising late, going to bed late is one of the many joys of long summer holidays. However, with many children starting back to school this week and next, parents up and down the country will be wondering how will they be able to get their kids up and ready for those early morning starts. As we all know,…
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Is My Teen Sleep Deprived?

By now, most young people have returned to school and parents and teens alike are trying to get routines back in sync. From reestablishing bedtime routines to getting everyone up on time for the morning school drop off, invariably not everything runs as smoothly as planned. Too much screen time, worries and stress about going back to school and going to bed…
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8 Ways to Manage Stress and Sleep Better

According to the Mental Health Foundation, ‘74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope’. Stress, if not managed properly, can seriously impact our health. Low levels of stress are part of everyday life but the problem arises when we experience high levels…
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Signs That You Need a New Bed

When you’re waking up with aches and pains and your bed has become worn and lumpy, it’s usually a sign that it’s past its best and it’s time for a new one. Buying a new bed is a long term investment. Considering the average lifespan of a mattress is around seven years, it’s worth spending as much as you…
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How To Choose The Right Pillow

Often overlooked as the reason for waking up with aches and pains, your pillow could be the reason for a disturbed and uncomfortable night’s sleep. A pillow that has become lumpy, discoloured or is old will no longer provide proper support and can often be the cause of sleepless nights. As important as your mattress,…
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Ring in the New Year with Healthier Sleep

With the Christmas festivities coming to a close, many of us are turning our attention to our New Year Resolutions. Whether it’s giving up something or choosing to eat better or get fitter, there’s no better resolution to make than promising ourselves a better night’s sleep. (more…)
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11 Spring Cleaning Hacks For The Bedroom

With the clocks going forward in a couple of weeks and spring in the air, now’s the time to give your bedroom a good thorough deep clean to keep it fresh, hygienic and help breathe new life into your room. People often ask how often should you clean your bedroom and change the bedsheets? Obviously,…
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How To Clean A Mattress

Considering we spend a third of our life in bed, we need to make sure that what we’re sleeping on is up to scratch. A good quality mattress is a serious investment and needs maintaining to keep it at its best. Over time, mattresses build up all sorts of nasty smells, bugs, sweat and skin…
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5 Steps to Better Sleep

If the current Coronovirus situation is playing havoc with your sleep routine, then you’re not alone. People all over the world are reporting that they can’t get to sleep or are waking up during the night unable to go back to sleep. Sleepless nights make us more irritable and anxious, and prolonged lack of sleep…
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Five Health Benefits of Electric Beds

MiBed Adjustable Electric Beds Health Benefits of Electric Adjustable Beds Electric beds can be adjusted into various positions to make sleeping more comfortable. They allow you to raise the whole bed or adjust the head and foot end using a remote control. Offering a wide range of benefits for people who have underlying health conditions…
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Six Benefits of an Adjustable Bed Post Surgery

MiBed Worcester Adjustable Bed Sleeping on a comfortable and supportive bed is essential to post-surgery recovery. An adjustable bed offers a range of benefits to alleviate any pain points, breathing problems or mobility issues. If you’re recovering from hip surgery, a back operation, knee replacement or abdominal surgery, an electric adjustable bed is a great…
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Will an Adjustable Bed Stop Snoring?

Although snoring is a common complaint, it can be particularly disruptive to you or your partner’s sleep. It’s widely believed that half the population snore at some time in their life, with more men in Ireland snoring than women. Although snoring can be caused by sleep apnoea, it’s usually because of lifestyle factors such as…
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Four Tips On Choosing An Adjustable Bed

For anyone thinking about purchasing an adjustable bed, there are lots of models in the market nowadays. Electric beds have come a long way from the old-style hospital bed. Knowing what to look for when buying an electric adjustable bed is an important consideration. You need to consider the type, designs available and the size…
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Six Ways An Adjustable Bed Helps You Sleep Better

A telltale sign that you’re not getting the best sleep is waking up with aches and pains caused by an uncomfortable bed. Sleeping on an adjustable electric bed is an excellent way of getting restful sleep. Research tells us that adults need between seven to nine hours of sleep per night to function at our best.…
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Four Ways An Electric Bed Benefits Arthritis

Sleep is essential to our health and wellbeing. For anyone with arthritis, lack of sleep can make symptoms worse. Studies have shown that people with arthritis are 80% more likely to experience poor sleep. Poor sleep cycles can become established, and people living with arthritis can find getting to sleep and staying asleep a problem.…
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How Adjustable Beds Preserve Mobility

With more people living longer quality of life in our later years takes on more importance. Being mobile is central to ageing well and for our mental and physical wellbeing. According to the Centre for Ageing Better, “The homes that people live in significantly impact on their wellbeing and ability to live their lives the…
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Beds

Modern-day electric beds are designed with both functionality and style in mind. Long gone are the days of unwieldy and cumbersome hospital beds being brought home. Nowadays, people buy adjustable beds for numerous reasons. Health reasons, mobility, post-surgery or as a luxurious alternative to a standard bed, there are many advantages in choosing an electric…
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VAT Relief and Financial Aid For Adjustable Beds

If you’re considering purchasing an adjustable bed, you may qualify for VAT relief. Financial aid for electric beds differs according to where you live. In the UK, to be eligible for VAT exemption on adjustable beds, you have to meet specific criteria. (more…)
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Can An Adjustable Bed Help With Sleep Apnoea?

Sleep apnoea occurs when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep. The most common type is called obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Symptoms and signs can include snoring, stopping breathing during sleep, waking a lot during the night and making gasping or choking noises. One way of reducing mild sleep apnoea symptoms is by raising…
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How To Get Your Home Ready After A Hospital Stay

If you are about to be discharged from the hospital, your home must be prepared for return. Patients returning home from hospital may need special adaptations to their home or assistance with their basic needs. Getting your home ready after surgery will mean you’ve one less thing to worry about so you can concentrate on…
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The Best Sleep Positions For Back Pain

Sleeping on a saggy, uncomfortable bed could not only cost you up to an hour’s sleep a night but it also could be contributing to your back problem. Ideally, your mattress should mould to your body; too soft and your body will slouch which could result in back pain; too firm and your hips and shoulders pressure…
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Kaymed Therma-Phase+ Beds At Dalzells

Kaymed Retailer We’re very proud to be a retailer of the Kaymed Therma~Phase+ range. As a recognised Kaymed stockist, Dalzell’s has a wide selection of Kaymed beds, mattresses and headboards available in store and online. Kaymed has been at the forefront of sleep technology for well over a century. Leading the way in gel and…
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The Best Mattresses For A Bad Back

Four out of every five adults will experience back pain at some stage in their life. If you find that you are waking with back pain every morning, your bed could be to blame. Sleeping on an uncomfortable and unsupported bed could be making your back pain worse. Mattresses that are old, worn or lumpy…
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Benefits of a Gel Bed

Gel beds generally include a combination of gel with other fillings such as memory foam or natural fillings. The full-body support offered by a gel mattress ensures optimal pressure relief while aligning the spine. The cell structure of a gel-infused bed also ensures even weight distribution and regulates the temperature of the mattress surface. Sleeping…
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Best Pillows for Side, Back and Front Sleepers

Often overlooked as the reason for waking up with aches and pains, sleeping on the wrong pillow could be the reason for an uncomfortable night’s sleep. A pillow that has become lumpy or discoloured no longer provide proper support and can often be the cause of sleepless nights. Your sleep position too will dictate the…
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Benefits of King Koil Extended Life Beds

Our sleep health is affected by many things. From our sleeping position, weight distribution and the support provided by our beds to our body’s natural spinal curvature. Sleeping on an uncomfortable bed could cost us up to one hour’s sleep a night. Multiply that by four weeks, and that’s a staggering one day’s sleep lost…
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Introducing The Sherborne Regency Adjustable Bed

Sherborne Adjustable Beds Sherborne Upholstery is a long-term best seller at Dalzell’s.  The Sherborne Adjustable Bed range introduced some years ago has been hugely successful. The recent launched Sherborne Regency has already gained excellent reviews from customers and medical professionals alike because of its superb easy-assembly operation, design and durability. The Regency is Sherborne’s best value,…
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The New Sherborne Devonshire Adjustable Bed

Sherborne Adjustable Beds Sherborne Upholstery’s leap into the Adjustable Bed market some years ago has been hugely successful. Perhaps unsurprising giving Sherborne’s leading position in the Recliner Chairs market. Nevertheless, the stunning Sherborne Devonshire Electric Adjustable Bed has gained excellent reviews from customers and medical professionals alike with its simple operation, finish and durability. The Devonshire is Sherborne’s most luxurious…
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Now Stocking MiSofa Sofa Beds

MiSofa Retailer We’re very proud to have added Furmanac’s MiSofa collection to our extensive range of sofa beds. MiSofa by Furmanac is the UK’s market leader in motion intelligence furniture. A specialist mobility manufacturer, MiSofa, offer a fantastic range Sofa Beds providing exceptional value for money and great design. MiSofa Sofa Beds are also available in…
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Is Sleeping Apart The New Norm?

The trend for couples sleeping apart appears to show no sign of abating. According to a recent Sleep Council survey, some 15% of people said that they sleep apart. And it’s not just for the occasional night. Sleep Divorce is on the rise! Couples sleep apart more now than they did a decade ago. In…
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What Is The Best Way To Buy A Bed?

With lockdown limiting movement and many of us having been confined to home more than usual, many people’s thoughts have turned to changing their bed. Like all responsible retailers, we at Dalzell’s are making sure our customers and staff are at the forefront of our minds when it comes to safety. We’ve implemented new measures…
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The Best Way To Organise Your Bedroom

Sinking into a lovely freshly laundered bed at the end of a long day is the stuff of dreams. And while it’s not always possible to have fresh bed linen every day, having a calm and relaxing bedroom to sleep in at night should be part of our bedtime routine. We’re all guilty of having…
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Now Stocking Furmanac MiChair

At Dalzells of Markethill, we’re delighted to add to our family of Furmanac products with the introduction of the MiChair® collections of lift and recline chairs. MiChair® is hand made at Furmanac’s West Midlands factory using modern materials in traditional methods. With over 40 years of furniture making experience, Furmanac’s craftsmen make every MiChair by…
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Dalzells – Your Local NBF Premier Retail Champion

The National Bed Federation (NBF) has just this week announced that Dalzells has been awarded its Premier Retail Champion stamp of approval. The NBF is the recognised trade association representing UK manufacturers of beds and their suppliers. Founded in 1912, the National Bed Federation offers professional, independent advice on beds to help people understand the…
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How Much Sleep Do Children Need At Night?

A recent article in the Guardian quotes The Millpond Clinic as saying they are having an increased number of calls from parents worried about their children’s sleep. Of particular concern is that children are going to bed later and waking up later. This study echoes previous research conducted by The Sleep Council in April. It…
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How Often Should You Buy A New Mattress?

If you’ve been asking yourself when is a good time to change your mattress, it usually means it is time! A bed that no longer gives you the right amount of support or comfort could be causing you sleepless nights. It’s a general rule of thumb that we change our mattress every seven to eight…
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The Benefits of Kaymed K3GEL

The Kaymed brand has been at the forefront of designing innovative sleep technology for well over a century. A popular brand, Kaymed, is a long time best seller at Dalzell’s. And the Kaymed K3Gel® range is no exception to the rule. One of the first to manufacture innerspring mattresses in the 1950s, Kaymed was the…
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Kaymed iKool For A Cooler Night’s Sleep

The Kaymed iKool™ range of roll up mattresses offer flexibility, breathability and superb support for a cooler night’s sleep. Incorporating iKool™ Gel Memory Foam, Kaymed’s expertise in gel technology is world-renowned. Voted Bed Manufacturer of the Year in 2012, Kaymed has led the way in innovating bed technology. So why choose iKool? (more…)
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Three Ways To Better Sleep For The Over 50s

It’s often assumed that as we age, we need less sleep. The reality is that the quality of our sleep and our sleep patterns change as we get older; from needing to go to bed earlier and waking during the night to dozing during the day. There are changes, however, that are not the norm.…
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Enjoy A Mightier Sleep with Kaymed’s Mighty Bed

Are you looking for a firmer feel mattress for a better night’s sleep? Well, look no further than the Kaymed Mighty Bed™. Specially designed with extra deep layers of upholstery for superb comfort and support the Mighty Bed is engineered to accommodate heavier weights comfortably. Also known as the Extended Life Mattress, find out more…
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Benefits of a Hestia Latex Mattress

Naturally allergen free and extremely comfortable, latex mattresses offer many great benefits. The aerated, self-ventilated open cell interior of a Latex mattress helps to disperse body moisture helping to maintain a consistently fresh and dry feel. Providing optimal temperature and moisture control, the Hestia® Latex Mattress range uses 100% pure Latex. Made using the highest…
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What Goes Into Your Furmanac Handmade Bed?

Furmanac is the UK’s largest adjustable bed manufacturer and maker of divan beds, upholstered bed frames, bedroom furniture and chairs. Its fantastic range of brands includes Hestia®, Hestia® Motion, and Hestia® Upholstered Bed Frames, as well as its superb selection of adjustable products, including the popular MiBed® and MiChair® collections. Handmade in the UK and…
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Hestia Upholstered Beds Now At Dalzells

The Hestia® collection of sumptuously upholstered bedsteads has landed at Dalzell’s, and we couldn’t be happier. This stunning range of handmade bed frames has been lovingly designed and crafted at Furmanac’s Midlands factory in the UK. The collection offers a choice of twenty one beautifully designed beds styled for modern or traditional design tastes. Find…
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Hestia Motion Adjustable Beds Available at Dalzells

The Hestia® Motion Brand is part of the Furmanac collection of adjustable beds. Based in the UK, Furmanac has over fifty years of expertise in manufacturing luxurious handmade mattresses, divans and headboards. Their brands include Hestia®, Hestia® Motion, Hestia® Upholstered Bed Frames, MiBed® and MiChair® collections. The Hestia® Motion Brand combines the success of the market leading adjustable MiBed® brand with the…
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Is Your Mattress Affecting Your Sleep?

Many of us are now familiar with the link from poor sleep to health issues. But how many of us realise that it could be our mattress to blame for a bad night’s sleep? A bed that provides the right amount of support, comfort and room to move is less likely to keep us awake…
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Is My Teen Sleeping Too Much?

With the news that schools are reopening, unsurprisingly, parents up and down the country are wondering how they are going to get their teens’ sleep routines back in check. From going to bed late to sleeping in all morning, teenagers sleep schedules have been knocked out of line this past few months. It’s thought the…
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What Goes Into Your HandCrafted King Koil Bed?

A long time best seller at Dalzell’s, King Koil beds are a popular choice with our customers over the years. King Koil is at the forefront of sleep technology through its commitment to continued research and development in association with the International Chiropractors Association. A proven back care bed specialist, each King Koil mattress is…
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Does Light Affect Sleep?

For many of us waking up when it’s light and going to bed when it is dark is a familiar sleeping pattern. Indeed, lots of us have invested in blackout blinds for this very reason to prevent light streaming into our bedrooms when the summer months come along. But did you know that many other…
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How To Design Your Bedroom For a Great Night’s Sleep

When thinking about refreshing our bedroom decor or going for a completely new look, did you know that there’s more to designing the space than just choosing bedding and paint? Our sleep environment is an integral part of establishing good sleep hygiene. And by that, we mean everything from the colour scheme, temperature and scents…
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King Koil ICA Approved Mattresses at Dalzells

The King Koil brand has long been synonymous with manufacturing specialist back care products. And over the years, King Koil beds have retained their popularity with our customers here at Dalzell’s. Through its commitment to continued research and development in association with the International Chiropractors Association (ICA), King Koil is at the forefront of designing…
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How To Create A Restful Sleeping Environment For Your Child

With the kids back to school this week and next, getting sleep routines back on track has been at the forefront of many parents’ minds. This last few months have seen routines go out the window, and the struggle to get children to go to bed and wake on time is real. Establishing a good…
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What Are Your Sleep Goals This Sleeptember?

Sleeptember is a month-long campaign dedicated to the serious business of sleep. And we say serious because sleep is essential to our health and wellbeing. Too many of us report problems with our sleep from not being to get to sleep or stay asleep to more serious conditions such as sleep apnea and insomnia. But…
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Seven Reasons Why A Bigger Bed Is Better

Does your partner wake you in the night by stealing the bedclothes or hogging your side of the bed? Do you wake up feeling groggy as if you haven’t slept? Did you know that partner disturbance is one of the most common complaints we hear when people come to the bed store? That, and customers…
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Based on 15 reviews
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Ruben Pereira
13:13 04 Apr 24
Very great electronics store and stuff like dat g
Theresa Cushnan
17:00 20 Feb 24
Just had a very pleasant customer experience, looking for an adjustable bed Catherine was not only very knowledgeable but friendly and helpful even changed mattress so I could try it .very happy
Cormac Allen
00:38 22 Dec 23
Great service and good prices
Stephen McKerr
12:36 02 Dec 23
Just purchased a new Neff oven and Neff microwave. I dealt with Brian, who was knowledgable, professional and very helpful, a great asset to the company. Lots of stock in store and ready to go! Brilliant service. Many thanks.
Lyndsay Mcqueen
09:48 29 Sep 23
We bought all our kitchen & laundry appliances here. Along with a stunning electric fire. They made the selection very easy with their extensive knowledge and service has been great throughout. Highly recommend!
Jacki Urey
15:16 16 Jan 23
I recently bought a dishwasher - it was delivered very quickly without any issue. There was a problem registering the appliance for warranty; Dalzell's were super - great communication with a 'can do' attitude. Customer service was impressive and they were quick to sort out any snags. I will buy from Dalzell's again without hesitation.
Michael Orr
20:33 14 Dec 22
Purchased my complete new kitchen appliances. Service was second to none. All items were held untill ready for installation. Staff brilliant, couldn't be more helpful. Have since purchased pot belly stove and accessories and will continue to shop at such a brilliant store.
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