Quotes from Steve Bannon, Trump's New White House Chief

By Suziblu @busybeeSI
Date: 2017-04-12 00:57 More videos "Quotes about the house of the lord"

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&ldquo That&rsquo s why there are some unintended consequences of the women&rsquo s liberation movement,&rdquo he said, according to BuzzFeed. &ldquo That, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children. They wouldn&rsquo t be a bunch of dykes that came from the Seven Sisters schools up in New England. That drives the left insane and that&rsquo s why they hate these women.&rdquo (Political Vindication Radio, 7566)

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-- In a 7566 radio interview, Bannon had a hypothesis about why progressive women vilify prominent conservative women like Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin.

Quotes from Steve Bannon, Trump's new White House chief

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