Quote Of The Day: Remembering Leonard Nimoy

Posted on the 28 February 2015 by Comicspolitics

In remembrance of the recently deceased Leonard Nimoy (Scotty beamed him up?) a few of our favorite quotes of him.

“The miracle is this: the more we share the more we have.”

“Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.”

“Art, if it is successful, needs no explanation. Star Trek and Spock, if they are works of art, can be discussed. But finally the response comes in individual terms. Each viewer sees what is there for him, depending on his frame of reference.”

“I’m not a driven businessman, but a driven artist. I never think about money. Beautiful things make money.”

“The means of many out way the means of the few or one.”

“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory.”

“Live Long and Prosper.” – Leonard Nimoy