Quote of the Day: Obama on Fixing the Economy

Posted on the 09 June 2012 by Btchakir @btchakir

If we take the steps that I laid out to make sure that we’re not seeing teacher layoffs and we’re not seeing police officer layoffs, and we’re providing small businesses with additional financing and tax breaks for when they hire or if they’re giving raises to their employees; if we refinance housing — or allow homeowners to refinance so they’ve got an extra $3,000 in their pocket so that they can spend money and contribute to further economic growth; if we’re making sure that we’re rebuilding, work that has to be done anyway, deferred maintenance on roads and bridges that could put construction workers back to work — all those things will strengthen the economy, and independent economists estimate it would create an additional million jobs.  

Now, you can’t give me a good reason as to why Congress would not act on these items other than politics — because these are traditionally ideas that Democrats and Republicans have supported.  So let me be as clear as I can be.  The economy needs to be strengthened.

- President Obama

(Read more HERE)

Of Course as long as we have Mitch McConnell and John Boehner publicly vowing to have NO cooperation with the President, the odds of the Republicans helping to save the economy are toilet-bowl low.