Quote of the Day

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
it will be discussed, there will be opinions, we will come to understandings. Tzfat and Metula havent been closed, but Meron will be? Ok, we heard. The entire world waits for Meron.
  -- Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf, responding to the news that Meron will be closed and declared a closed military zone for the week leading up to Lag BaOmer and for Lag BaOmer itself, to prevent people form going there against instructions. Meron has been hit with rockets from Hezbollah several times (there is an important army base very close to Meron) and a party with a large amount of celebrants on Lag BaOmer could make this an easy target for Hezbollah and will be a potential disaster. Goldknopf obviously doesnt like the idea of Meron being closed on Lag BaOmer. What he said caused quite a stir, especially because Metulla is closed down. Goldknopf has since apologized, but specifically apologized for inaccurately bundling Tzfat and Meron together. It seems he still thinks the Meron celebration shouldnt be shut down, despite the war and danger, just he shouldnt have compared it to Metulla...
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