Quotables: Change

By Anovelsource @thenovellife

Have you ever noticed how one day you wake up and everything seems, well – different?  My world-traveler daughter’s plans have changed, again. Musician son’s car is kapooey.  And the first-born Wondergirl is all graduated and in the “real world” now.  Life happens when we’re not looking, right?  heck, it even happens when we ARE looking!

I don’t know about you but I’m in the mood for a really great book!  If you need a refreshing ghost story to pass your weekend away, may I recommend Delia’s Shadow by Jaime Lee Moyer?  I believe I will be reading Moyer’s second book in the Delia series A Barricade in Hell.  Hmmmm, sounds pretty darn interesting!

What are your weekend plans?!?