- Clean out the kitchen cabinets
- Redecorate the living room
- Paint our bedroom
- Go through and donate stuff from Bobby’s room
- Buy new work clothes
Organize my work desk – at home! - Organize new real estate properties
- Read a good book
- Clean out the garden
- Sit down for dinner with my husband during the week
When I actually begin crossing things off the list it is going to be a great feeling of accomplishment! Knowing I’m getting things done that need to be done and helping myself at the same time, definitely worth the struggle. I have a feeling it will be difficult being in Bobby’s room without him, but I think it will be a good way to get used to him being moved out like his sister. I know he will do excellent in the next chapter of life just like his older sister. It is so rewarding seeing the success and achievement in everything they do. I can already tell that this list is going to be a good way to keep me busy and not worrying about my kids. Actually siting back and reading these, there is no way that I will be able to finish them but hey, it’s worth a try. I’m going to head to the store today to pick up some cleaning supplies and a couple organizational decorating magazines for motivation. Saturdays are the best day to clean and be inspired! Wish me luck! Nancy