Quikr and Walking on AIR MAX-NIKE Circa 2014 in Technicolour with Blogadda

By Shalinidigvijay @shalinidigvijay
Walking on sunshine and air is what this mother and son duo are doing these days.
We are walking on amazingly light ,retina blindingly bright neon soles ,techni coloured mesh covered Nike Air Max shoes.
Nike is the goddess of victory, as I am regularly coached by Greek and Roman Mythology fed sweet child. Yes ,thank you Mr Riordian. He is constantly unimpressed by my love for white and silver ir pink or gray or whatever color shoes that I wear. His Nike's are gray ,for crying out loud.
And he had been coaxing me to buy him these Nike Air Max shoes since the beginning of this year.
But, to mo avail.
The moment he glimpsed at BlogAdda.com's post while he was stalking me on Facebook (Yes ,he keeps track ...even more than I do) he began his quest.
He narrowed his choice to one pair of shoes and smugly brought the laptop to poor unsuspecting me. And after I had logged in to BlogAdda.com, and submitted my request , I tried to dissuade him, saying that only 100 bloggers would be chosen...
Snickering ,he said that they wouldn't drop an eager beaver like me...
Well ,the consent came on my birthday ,and this became his personal mission...
Personal mission to get me to buy those shoes for him!
So obsessed was sweet child that he decided to do what is my favorite waste of time...
No, not obsessing about my myriad loves...but window shop or net surfing of shopping websites.
In this case "Quikr" shop.
He informed me that this should be my birthday gift to him...now ,he in the arrogance of the young, was asking for a present when I am wallowing in the fact that I am one year older...
Quikr day in and Quikr day out...
And guess what he wanted ...a pair of shoes that would use up all my coupon entirely and more.
A pair of shoes for Rs12000...
Quikr and Walking on AIR MAX-NIKE Circa 2014 in Technicolour with Blogadda
That had to be the biggest joke ever.
But then I was made to scroll down the page and check out the 2014 and the 2013 models...just as we would be scrolling down the advertisements for cars...
Only there were not many ads for Jalandhar.
Whatever the ads were ,showed the shoes for much higher rates.
The next thing I did was narrow the search to the nearest metro - or metro like city -Chandigarh ,thinking that delivery would be possible via courier.
Only then did hubby dear offer his pearls of wisdom...if the shoe wouldn't fit,would we be hopping on the next Volvo bus  to Chandigarh to check the size and and pick another shoe?
Yeah Right!
Fortunately we were going to Delhi over the weekend and so entered Delhi as the city of choice.
And Nike shoes in Fashion accessories...
And of course ,choose New not Used!
Quikr and Walking on AIR MAX-NIKE Circa 2014 in Technicolour with Blogadda
Well,one I zeroed down on the first ad,it was easy...
A well meaning placed arrow to lead you to the next advertisement and so forth...
Along with each advertisement were the appropriate pics and of course the phone numbers and the the location of the advertisers was given.
Using this link Nike air max 2014 we scrolled down many pages and checked many advertisements.
So with pen and paper,we sat down to note the numbers of those advertisers who were close to the parents house. After all, who wants to travel across the madness of Delhi traffic Diwali weekend?
Seven advertisers noted and numbers duly written down,we began the process of calling them.
Each seller had many shoes and godowns and samples and the latest stuff etc.
With a wonderful response ,we were inundated by Whats App pics of shoes and more shoes and even more shoes.
And once we began calling we realised that these shoes are obviously not the original Nike's as the rates were hovering around Rs 3500 to Rs 2500 for the older version -read the older model or 2013 shoes.Apparently, these shoes are all made either in Vietnam or in South Korea and are brought to India and other countries where they are then bought by these sellers. No show rooms, no overhead costs and no advertising makes these shoes affordable. The mesh or the Nike Air Max 2015 shoes were marked from Rs 5000 as the lower limit ,with the most boring colours being the cheapest. Well, I had a limit that was fixed by blogadda.com and Quikr of Rs 5000 only and was not keen to add more than the prescribed limit for a pair of shoes.
No matter how psychedelic the colours were.

 After a little bit of haggling  and bargaining and then a little more of persuasion and pretty pleases over the phone, we managed to narrow down the list of sellers to only two.
One was located but a few kilometers from home and the other was in Dwarka.
Since I was a little reluctant, one of the sellers caught my drift and asked me to come down instead to the 2014 model, wherein the shoes would be nearer to rs 3000.
that was also a problem,as the sum total needed to be between Rs 4800 and Rs 5200 to meet the terms and conditions .
So a wee bit of more haggling and choosing one of the less popular colours and one a rarely selling men's size brought the seller down to Rs 5400. That was cool but not enough.
Next point was delivery.
One seller was adamant that I needed to pick up the shoes from Pacific mall-a good 12 km from home, the other was willing to deliver at a distance of 5 kilometres.
After a little more convincing the seller came down to Rs 5200 and we agreed to meet at Crossing.
We reached and met the seller, a happy teenage college student riding an Activa and sporting the same shoes ,the best advertisement possible.
 Sweet child and I tried the shoes while an amused set of mom and Little Sanskriti looked on...
A little bit of walking on the dusty Ring Road footpath and we were satisfied.
Payment paid and boxes loaded we trooped off our ways...

The boring dark blue ones are mine and the shocking turquoise shoes are sweet child.(Yes ,Sacrifice and all that blah...)
We have been walking on air err Air Max since we got them...
Happy with the purchase,we take great pleasure in walking now.
Elevated position of the shoes...
We ,rather sweet child is elated...I must be the best mother in the world,for buying the best shoes and being so easily convinced that I needed to buy them meself too.
 Sanskriti insisted I photograph her shoes too...She also wanted to buy them quickly from Quikr...
Just in case you were wondering Sanskriti is my 4 year old niece. And she felt that her barbie can sleep in Bhaiya's shoe...that was funny!
   This shopping experience has been fun-truth be told I was looking at buying an Air Fryer...
On the sly ,when sweet child wasn't being hawkish near me ,checking to ensure I kept my word, I called a couple of sellers for the listing of the Air Fryers...Unfortunately ,the brands that I wanted were not available in this price range.
Lesson learnt...
I will keep an eye on the deals and the advertisements and buy an Air Fryer.
Quikr and blogadda brought in a great deal...
This post is a part of Quikr.com activity at BlogAdda.com
So what are you shopping for today???