Quidditch Anyone?

By Socksupermarket

All eyes will be on London this summer for the 2012 Olympic Games. But while waiting for the world’s elite athletes to take the stage, we’ve heard of a exhibition event which might prove entertaining…Quidditch

Yes we mean the sport that Harry Potter and his friends played. Well “Muggles” now play it -  all except for the flying bit that is. Imagine instead people running astride broom sticks, working to get a ball through a hoop without getting smashed by an opponent aiming another ball at their heads, dodgeball style. Or chasing a gold-suited player darting around, carrying a sock stuffed with tennis balls that serve as the all important “snitch” that must be captured to end the match. This low-flying version of the game started at Middlebury College in Vermont in 2005 and now plays out at more than 300 college and high school campuses across the US and 12 other countries. Statistics come from the International Quidditch Association, Inc., (www.internationalquidditch.org) which also hosts the annual World Cup and is considering an exhibition match in London to coincide with the Olympics.

Here at socksupermarket.com we’d recommending creating your very own snitch using a men’s Garden Gallery Long Boot sock which is perfect ‘for whatever life is going to throw at you this weekend’. This sock is available in 6 colours however we’d prefer not to offer any advice as to which will go best with the gold suit.