Quickie Post: My Official Love/Hate Relationship with Walmart Canada

By Bewilderedbug @bewilderedbug

6.6 and 14.3

I went to Walmart today.

This is actually a spectacular thing because I don’t usually – the reason being that the nearest Walmart to me is 6.6 km away, that, with traffic or with school zones, takes me at least half hour to drive to. Otherwise I can head East into Scarborough where there is a Walmart at Agincourt, but that one is 14.3km away and requires highway driving if it is to make sense for me….so also inconvenient.

The last time I went, it was a Saturday evening and unbeknownst to me, there was a sale on diapers – and I have never seen such a mad rush of crazed Mommas stocking up on boxes that contained more diapers than I thought possible to exist at the store – in fact I swore never to go again.

But I had to because I was told that the foam blocks I use in my cake making were readily available in Walmart at cheaper prices than elsewhere. So I sucked it up and went.

It was a much more pleasant experience (possibly because it was the middle is a weekday….) and I was actually relaxed enough to browse.

I entered the store for two items, a dog toenail cutter and a foam pad so I was not going to take a cart. Then I remembered that Walmart carries food and I had to pick up stuff for a cake I am making, so I grabbed a cart.

Big mistake.

I learnt today that one does not simply browse through Walmart. Why? Because everything you can imagine to need is in that store….and I had grabbed a cart.

So – I got my dog clippers…and my groceries, and some extra groceries, and a bath mat, and a mouthwash, and hair dye, and…..basically everything I needed plus some….except the foam mat because there were none.

I also found my favorite chocolate that I was told (by the Cadbury’s rep) was not really distributed in Ontario anymore because it was not popular – and went a bit nuts picking it up.

Walmart also had (Great Value) parchment paper in 33′ rolls for only $2.97 per roll.

I did get a little excited and ended up buying six chocolate bars and three parchment paper rolls.


I am now in love with Walmart (even though their craft section let me down), but I hate them, because when I was supposed to spend less than $20 I ended up spending over $100 (eep).

It is times like this I am glad the Luv Luv isn’t here to see me walk in with bags and bags of stuff (which btw we really needed….truly!! I promise!!)

PS – if you wanted to get me really really happy, you’d start collecting this chocolate for me too! (note – it is Cadbury’s DARK Fruit and Nut).

I was not conpensated for this post at all – just thought I’d tell you today’s adventure