Quick Guide: Mati Si

By Wanderingjoshua

Mati Si is one of the places you can visit while in Zhangye, other than the more famous Rainbow Mountains. This destination is a good day trip from the city; there are ancient structures and beautiful views.

Also known as Horse's Hoof Temple, this destination is a possible half-day or whole day trip from Zhangye City. This temple complex inside a cliff provides a glimpse of the past and stunning views of nature.

You'll see plenty of Buddhist relics here, the grottoes and caves provide a glimpse of the past. There are still many devout Buddhists that make their way to this part of China.

Some of the views inside the scenic area include verdant, rolling hills as far as your eyes could see.

To see some of the statues and relics, you'll have to enter narrow passages and climb up steep stairs. A tall person would find it difficult and cramped to navigate through these places.

After seeing the temple complex, our group decided to do a bit of hiking. We followed a few trails that cut through the hills. It would take a day or so to see everything in the scenic area. We only had one whole day.

Beautiful views wherever you look.

We missed the bus but made new friends along the way. They were nice enough to give us a ride back to the city. I was also able to get more information about the destination I wanted to visit the next day.

If you have time, I recommend spending a night near Mati Si or renting a car to take you there and back.

How to Go
There are buses going to Mati Si or a stop near it from the Nanguan bus station in Zhangye. Fortunately for the group I went with, most of the passengers wanted to go straight to Mati Si. The fare was CNY11 one way. We ended up hitching a ride with a French and Chinese couple back to the city because the last bus already left. You can also book a shared taxi or rent a car to take you, the price will vary depending on the number of passengers and the duration of your trip.
CNY74 - Entrance ticket