Quick Fix for Your Damaged Wooden Furniture

Posted on the 17 December 2014 by Women_tips @womentips2013

We buy our wooden furniture with the thoughts that they are more durable than the rest. No doubt they are strong and will last several years. But with regular use, wear and tear is inevitable.From minor scratches to dents, here are few ways to make your furniture as good as new.

Water Stains

  • How many times have you ruined your coffee table by placing your coffee mug on it, without a cup holder? These water stains ruin the look of your wooden furniture.
  • Don’t fret; you can get them out just as easily as you got them on it.
  • Remove the stain by rubbing it with a cloth barely dipped in denatured alcohol.
  • If the stain is more stubborn, restore the sheen by rubbing it with a auto compound or even extra fine steel wool and paste wax.

Shallow chips

  • Shallow chips and scratches are a inevitable in wood furniture.
  • If the color of the scratch or chip has not been affected, then fill it with a coat of transparent nail polish. After the polish has dried scrub it with sandpaper to make it even and smooth.
  • To restore the sheen, rub the area with a rag dipped in auto compound for a gloss look or steel wool and paste wax for a satin finish.

Worn Edges and Large Scratches

  • You can cover up worn edges and large scratches with the help of felt tip touch up markers. You can get them in all colors and easily available in common furniture finishes.
  • Apply the felt tip touch up markers to the affected area. After it dries, apply a coat of paste wax over the repaired area and adjoining area for an even finished tone.

Gouges, Nicks and Dings

  • Repairing gouges are a little complicated, so they involve a few steps.
  • Use a sandpaper or grit paper to smooth out the gouged or nicked area to remove any raised areas.
  • Select a colored wax stick that matches the finish.
  •  Rub the wax stick in to the gouge, till it is overfilled.
  • Scrape off the excess wax with a card.

To finish off the look, apply a coat of paste wax to the repaired area and adjacent to it, to get an even finished look.So to get repair your furniture, there is no need to buy expensive store bought products that promise you the stars. Common household products and a regular clean up with diluted soap and oil based furniture cleaning spray can do wonders.

Get your wooden furniture back to its original sheen and gleam, without burning a hole in your pocket.