Quick Fire Interview: Monica Leonelle, Author of Socialpunk

By Donnambr @_mrs_b

I’m pleased to welcome Monica Leonelle, author of Socialpunk, to the blog today.  Monica is on tour with her title and is here to share an excerpt and also be interviewed.

About Monica

 Monica Leonelle is a well-known digital media strategist and the author of three novels. She blogs at Prose on Fire and shares her writing and social media knowledge with other bloggers and authors through her Free Writer Toolkit.

Prose on FireWriter Toolkit

How did you come upon the Socialpunk trilogy idea?

Socialpunk is a bit like The Truman Show meets The Terminator, except Mark Zuckerburg is president of the world. I wanted to do a cyberpunk and Socialpunk is classically cyberpunk, down to its roots. I loved the idea of being trapped in a virtual reality, and then acclimating to the real world.

Socialpunk is very reflective of today’s social media-driven world in terms of artists, curators, and influencers. It’s definitely a physical reincarnation of the digital media world. I love the social media concepts embedded in the book and was inspired to write a cyberpunk.

What is your favorite scene from the first book, Socialpunk?

That’s a tough one. I think maybe when Ima sees the Socialpunk’s world for the first time. It’s magical for me. I’d love to live in theSocialpunk’s world—I guess that’s why I created it.

Can you pick one group of readers who may believe they wouldn’t enjoy Socialpunk but who you believe will actually love it?

Interesting question! Probably reluctant readers in the YA male category. Even though Ima is a girl the book is heavy with males and technology. Plus, it’s a quick read and the action doesn’t really pause.

What has been the best/most exciting thing about having your work published so far?

Having people who genuinely enjoy sharing my worlds and characters with me.

What has been the hardest/most daunting thing about having your work published far?

The publishing part. If I had my way I would never be done with my books. I’d have eternity to edit and perfect them. Alas, that isn’t very productive, so publishing is a must.

About the book

Socialpunk, Monica Leonelle, ISBN: 978-0984234868

Ima would give anything to escape The Dome and learn what’s beyond its barriers, but the Chicago government has kept all its citizens on lockdown ever since the Scorched Years left most of the world a desert wasteland. When a mysterious group of hooded figures enters the city unexpectedly, Ima uncovers a plot to destroy The Dome and is given the choice between escaping to a new, dangerous city or staying behind and fighting a battle she can never win.

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