Quercus Glauca

By Davis Landscape Architecture @DavisLandArch

Quercus glauca (02/02/2104, Kew Gardens, London)

Position: Full sun to light shade

Flowering period: Spring

Soil: Moist, well drained

Eventual Height: 15m

Eventual Spread: 12m

Hardiness: 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b

Family: Fagaceae

Quercus glauca is a slow growing evergreen tree with a dense oval canopy. Its shiny leathery mid green leaves are narrowly elliptic with serrate margins and up to 13cm long and 5.5cm broad. Its trunk may achieve a diameter of 2.5m. Its new leaves emerge bronze or purple tinted. Its monoecious yellow/ green flowers are wind pollinated catkins. Its fruit are acorns which are up to 2.5cm long.

Quercus glauca, commonly known as Japanese Blue Oak, Ring Cupped Oak or Glaucous leaf Oak, is native to the Himalayas region from south China to Pakistan, east to Japan. In its native habitat it grows in a woodland environment. Quercus glauca is synonymous with Cyclobalanopsis glauca.

Quercus glauca Leaf (02/02/2104, Kew Gardens, London)

The etymological root of the binomial name Quercus is derived from the Latin name for an Oak tree; some authorities derive the word from Celtic, quer, fine and cuez, a tree. Glauca

The landscape architect may find  Quercus glauca useful as an evergreen tree which has a symmetrical habit. On ce established this tree is drought tollerant.

Ecologically, Quercus glauca acorns are eaten by a number birds and mammals.

Quercus glauca prefers moist, fertile, well-drained soils. It tolerates most pH of soil.

Quercus glauca requires little maintenance. This tree resents being moved and should be planted in its permanent  position while young.