Qualities Of A Great Director

Posted on the 09 August 2012 by Nandu1985 @vivek_arumanda
Hello friends, after a very long time am going to deal about another general topic called what are the qualities of a top movie director..as i told you many times before please remember something..if u want to achieve something great u have to strive hard for that..in that process you may face so many problem but always you should only remember your aim and target..don't divert your mind and prepare your body to coordinate with your mind. Because, sound body and mind are two great weapons for a film maker. So, to keep your mind and soul healthy you have to process some qualities to gain these qualities you need to practice..so its a chain.. ultimately your ship land again at the same place called "discipline".This is also a general post meant for grooming newbie film makers to keep them in a good track..if u feel that u can add few more positive points to the post after reading it..u are most welcome..please feel free to share your views..


This is the basic quality one should have as a director. Yes friends,be very clear about everything you do from pre-production stage to promotion. Din't understand..? okay, imagine that you have started some script( there is no rule that u have to direct your own script always,but in case if u are the writer then this applies else u have to monitor what your writers scripts) at that very step u have to be very clear about what your theme is..what you are narrating in total as a story..what your lead character going to learn from this very story..? y he/she is behaving in that particular scene like that...this is all nothing but clarity in script..now your script went to sets, there u have to look after each and everything..i.e selecting your crew, finding talented people, costumes,hair style of your characters,properties u are using in the set, your characters postures to eye line..what not each and everything u have to be on the target..so this vision clarity comes through practice and try to keep yourself calm always..don't think about the things that distract you..try to be creative.Always, carry a note book to write whatever flashes in your mind. Else a voice recorder to record your thoughts.More over,keep up your work on paper i.e in the scripting stage itself always write everything that is needed to be filmed. This will make task more easier.


Always be original, do everything originally. Don't try to imitate someone..or don't try to be someone. Be yourself...be creative. Imitating is different and getting inspired is different guys,don't get confused between these two. Copying exactly from some where is called imitation, but after seeing something very great creating same kind of that sought is called inspiration. So,try to draw some inspiration because one can gain knowledge from sharing the things :) don't ever forget that. But always try to show your trade mark in what ever you do.

Be a Leader

Yes, always  be a leader..A leader is the one who inspires others with his emotional and practical tasks. Don't ever command your cast and crew..try to be friendly and try to explain everyone what your expecting from them. Try to inspire them when needed. Film making is not at all a easy task, this needs lots of courage and mental calmness to handle complicated situations. So,prepare your mind for everything so that u can earn respect from your crew. This makes huge difference since film making is always a team work..but as a director the final decision will be always yours..because you are making your idea into a motion picture. That is nothing but your vision. Always be responsible, you should be ready to take everything that comes your way i.e good/bad. Don't ever try to escape if something goes wrong. And don't try to blame others for your mistakes or flaws. Altogether just behave like a head of the family.

Experience Always Pays Off

This is very important guys, try to work under some experienced people/directors. So that, u may gain some experience to handle critical situations. Remember, as a director its your duty to safe guard your producer who is investing crore's of rupees for your project. You need lots of courage for doing so. To gain that courage always try to work under someone who can teach you few things while you work.

Believe In Yourself

Always believe in yourself. Don't under estimate yourself at the same time don't think sky high because it may change into over confidence and damage your project. Clear vision can decrease your burden to some extent but what ever may be the situation always keep calm and keep yourself focused. Always feed only positive things to your brain. Don't ever get near to negative things that may spoil your confidence level. The same implies to people around you. Many think that its easy to be a film director,but the fact is its really very hard to bare :) it demands so many things including mental toughness.

Respect Others Ideas 

Yes, always be open to get inputs from every where, but there is no need to follow each and everything that comes your way. Be choosy but if u feel the idea given by some of your crew is great try to add that without any ego. This will be a symbol for so many things, like your crew will feel that they are part and parcel of the project once if u can able to create this kind of feel then everyone will own the project. Likewise, if u notice some mistake or if u are not satisfied with the output you can explain to them in a friendly way whats going wrong and what are trying to extract..its that easy to communicate once you keep your ego aside. At the same time don't be so liberal sometimes it can be projected as inability. Film industry is all about attitude.

Trust Your Team

The same thing applies guys, always be friendly, be clear and at the same time be strict when it is necessary. Boost your team members confidences, praise them when it is needed..if something goes wrong please explain them what you are expecting. Don't get irritated easily. Be an inspiration to your team..all in all be like a leader. That's it.

Always Be Focused 

All these points may sound similar, but these are most important things to be followed so don't get irritated after reading this post..yes always be focused on your project..in this present trend it may take an year to complete a big project..so working on one project for this long may bring so many changes, but always try to be focused what ever may be the case..i know its hard..but find ways for not to get distracted easily like Yoga, gym,meditation etc., avoid all the stuff that may disturb you..for example, if u have serious disputes with your partner then try to be away from her  for few days until u complete your project or else try to work on your personal problem if it is so serious then get back to your work again..because film making is a creative thing..so it demands sound mind and fresh thoughts and ideas..
These are few things that i felt to mention, if u have few more try to add them in comments section. Please try to give me your feedback's so that it may help me to give some more useful in depth information depending upon your needs.