This is the current main hot keys and actions to control the strokes of QuadPaint, and by changing the boundary you can control the inner quadrangulation.
Right click a vertex allows to smooth and move the stroke.
Hovering a vertex and pressing DEL , remove the vertices.
Double Click a vertex, will pin it so you basically created a new edge freely to move.
Double Click a segment, between 2 vertices will insert a new point, provided that the radius is smaller than the segment, otherwise will capture the closest vertex an pin it.
Ctrl + Click a vertex will split the stroke into 2 strokes.
Pressing +(plus) over a stroke will increase vertices count by 2. (some manual smoothing will be required to make vertices more even, will improve soon)
Pressing – (minus) will decrease by 2
Overlapping 2 vertices will merge them on mouse release.
Overlapping segments will be intersected on mouse up.
The numerical hint tells the number of vertices between 2 pinned points (inclusive), updated at mouse up.
Moving a vertices very far, after release will insert new divisions, moving them too close will merge them to maintain an average distance.
Sometimes the preview snap to surface incorrectly, but the final result will be much better because more smoothing and post process is used at execution time.
PS: seems I had some ghosts at my side because the room was completely silent and I got those eerie sounds Bouhahahaha