P&W Prompt 11: TBW

By Gabrielscala

This week’s Poets & Writers’ prompt:

Choose a poem that you are in the process of revising. Draw a map of that poem, paying attention to the details of its landscape, its realities and abstractions, its landmarks, the spacial relationships among its features. Use the map to guide a revision of the initial work.

This week’s prompt is TBW (to be written). The whole “mapping out” thing is a little too abstract for my very concrete mind. But, I’ll give it a shot – just not now (I am in Europe at the moment, after all!). Nonetheless, I wanted to make sure YOU have the prompt. And if you have ideas on how to tackle it, I’d love to hear from you.

I promise to link to my own attempt when I get around to doing it. Give me a couple of weeks