Putting Your Dog into a Kennel: How to Prepare

Posted on the 30 July 2020 by Cheekymeeky

Sometimes, when you go away it just isn't possible to take your four-legged friend with you. Some people prefer to leave their pet with a friend or a family member while they are on their trip, but that's not always possible. As pet owners we can feel incredibly guilty about leaving our dogs in kennels, but it's important to remember that a lot of the time it's actually much harder for us than it is for them. A lot of dogs love the opportunity to play and make new friends, and if you find the right kennel and prepare properly, your pooch will have just as much of a holiday as you do!

Research kennels

The most important step is to choose the right kennel. Give yourself plenty of time to start looking, as the best facilities often book up well in advance. Ask your vet or friends with pets for recommendations and take a tour of a few facilities to meet the staff and see what you think. Some things to think about are:

  • What kind of services do they offer? Can your dog get the same amount of exercise in the facility as they would with you, and do they offer a grooming service if your pup is used to regular baths and haircuts?
  • Are there daily structured activities such as walks and play time with other dogs?
  • Think about your dog and their specific needs. If they aren't very good at recall can the facility cater for that? Can they create a social environment that your dog will thrive in? Will you be allowed to bring in your own dog food if there are dietary requirements?
  • How do the staff interact with your dog? How clean is it?
  • What veterinary care is available?


Most kennels will require that your dog's vaccinations are up to date, meaning they will need to have had their yearly booster, such as the kennel cough vaccine, within the last six months. The vaccine won't be effective immediately, so make sure you book an appointment in plenty of time before you go away to give it a chance to take effect. You should also ensure that your dog has been treated for fleas and worms, as they will be near other dogs and therefore at risk of catching and spreading them.

It's also a good idea to seek out a vet who specializes in preventative care like veterinarianjohnsoncitytn.com, as they strive to offer a low price on vaccines and flea and worm treatments by focusing on this area only, rather than offering services like hospitalization which can make vets more expensive.

Visit First

Book your dog in for an overnight stay before you actually go away to allow them to get used to the facility and the staff. This means that it won't be a complete shock when you drop them off before your trip. This is also a good way to ease your own mind, as you'll have proof that the facility can take good care of your dog.

Pack your dog a suitcase too

Pack your dog a suitcase with their favorite blanket and toys, any medication that they might need, and any food and treats. This way they will still have some familiarity while they are away from home, and the people working at the kennels will have everything to give your pooch the best holiday ever!

Dropping them off

When you drop your doggo off, be sure to brief staff about any problem behaviors or anxieties that your dog may have. This will mean the staff will be better equipped to keep your pup happy and calm.

When you drop them off, don't make a fuss. If you do, they will know something out of the ordinary is happening and this may upset them.

Most kennels will be more than happy for you to call and check in while you're away, so take advantage of this so that you know your furry friend is happy and healthy.

Coming home

It's generally a good idea to give your dog a bath when they get back from a stay at the kennels, as they will have been mixing with a lot of other dogs and may have got a bit grubby! Once this is done, let your canine companion relax while they readjust to a quieter life at home. It's ok to leave it a couple of days before returning to your usual exercise routine if your dog seems tired: this is completely normal.