Put Prayer Back in the Public Schools!

Posted on the 18 June 2014 by Calvinthedog

Getting prayer out of the public schools in the early 1960′s was one of the worst things we ever did. Our nation was fallen into horrible immorality ever since.

The founding fathers were all Christians. We were founded as a Christian nation. Why, just look at those unconstitutional “In God We Trust” slogans on our coins. You know, the ones we put on there at the height of the Cold War in order to fight the Godless Communists? Yes, the slogans. Look at our Congress. Notice that every day Congress starts off with an unconstitutional prayer? Now see, that shows you right there what a Christian country we really are.

Secular society is Godless society. It is evil by definition. Only religion can save us from Satan in the form of secularism.