Although record numbers of mobile apps are downloaded each year (197 billion in 2017), and users spend anywhere from 43-185 minutes using apps each day depending on age group, overall app retention is actually going down. Marketing Land has determined that despite the glut of options in the top app stores (Apple, Google, Amazon), users ultimately only select and keep the apps that are the most useful to them. They suggest that push notifications, a simple and easy-to-use feature built into nearly every app, may be just the solution for curbing churn and boosting retention.
While not every app is going to have the staying power or go-to qualities of a Facebook or Snapchat, mobile apps provide an unprecedented opportunity for consumers and businesses to connect by breaking down barriers and getting closer to a direct marketing interaction. Data shows that more than half of people opt-in to receive push notifications when they download an app, so integrated marketers that use this type of targeted outreach will help keep consumers coming back for more.
Push VolumeThe short answer is: don't go crazy. Yes, this is a captive audience, and they are clearly interested in your business or offerings, but remember that too much can be off-putting. Don't go overboard with irrelevant messaging, either. Bombarding users can easily turn them off, particularly with today's personal data privacy concerns. According to Marketing Land's findings, one push message per week should be effective for keeping the lines of communication open with 90% of your audience. Depending on your business, there may be some room for experimentation, but keep in mind other behavioral cues about your target and let that guide your actions.
Push PreferencesWhen someone first downloads your app, are you giving them options for selecting their push preferences? If not, you may want to reconsider allowing them to choose which kind of notifications they receive: new information, special offers, breaking news, etc. This helps avoid any one-size-fits-all errors, offering only customized content that is likely to encourage audience loyalty.
Another option integrated marketers should consider making available to customers is location-based marketing. If you have a physical location or are at an event, geo-fencing allows for timely, contextual outreach to your prospects. The geo-fence allows you to reach your audience where they are with what they want. Additionally, audience response to your push notifications will help you build out your customer profiles, allowing you to know their interests better for future push efforts.
In ConclusionWith the buffet of app options available to users, you need to determine how to make yours the one that customers return to again and again. Bearing in mind push volume and preferences will help you learn more about your audience needs and choices, and let you respond in ways that are more likely to benefit your business. Make sure that your prospects know that you are aware of their needs and interests, and you can ensure that yours becomes one of their go-to apps.