Puppy Games, Puppy Fun

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
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If you think about it, puppy games can make or break your pet’s character. When you play with your pup (or your adult dog), it’s easy to play with him too roughly or aggressively; thus, your pup picking-up YOUR behavior and mimicking your domination or aggressiveness. Due to this, problems with social interactions may occur.

(Check out Dog Playtime and Outdoor Activities)

Playing games with your puppy is a lot more than just having fun with your pet (although, this time is also important to maintain a balanced relationship with your dog). With games suitable for your pet (breed, age, health), you allow both of you to find out stuff about each other’s characteristics that are significant in building a stronger bond as time goes by.

Here are some of the best puppy games that you can do with your pet. These games are fun, safe, enjoyable and easy to accomplish. A few minutes a day playing with your pup will go a long way.


Go Fetch bucket balls. *

A controlled game of fetch is possibly the most common dog games ever. Commence the game with a command word that you’re teaching your dog (ex. “sit”). When your pup does what you’ve commanded, you can then throw a puppy ball or dog toy to fetch. Start with short distances and let him know that he needs to give the toy back to you. You can incorporate simple words/commands such as “fetch” or “get it” to further expand your dog’s training. Remember to give him treats every time he executes a good job.

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