Some people might think that I have the best life ever. I travel the roads with my ham of a sister and our human parents in their car. My life, in all seriousness, is pretty rough.

It’s sooo tough to travel all the time
The humans pack me into the back of their Volkswagen GTI every morning. They make sure to always leave as much room as possible and make it super comfortable.

Our digs are pretty cozy
I know they mean well. They put our favorite blankets and pillows from home back there for me and the “ham”, Zoe. They don’t realize that Zoe ignores our back seat luxuries and uses me as a pillow. I see them looking back here and going “aw, how cute”. They think we are snuggling. Not the case! I am being used as a cushion. Damn this soft fluffy exterior!

See how she leaves me no room?!?!