I’m sure by now you have tried pumpkin cheesecake pies. If you haven’t, you really should they’re delicious. Often times, here at Natures Garden, our inspiration comes from food. This time our inspiration for our Pumpkin Cheesecake Wax Melts Recipe was, what else, Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites. Click here to see both our inspiration and a scrumptious recipe for pumpkin cheesecake bites. I assure you, you will love them! I personally am not the biggest fan of regular pumpkin pie, but when you add in a little creamy cheesecake, I am in heaven! You MUST try them, they are the perfect pumpkin pie alternative for Thanksgiving!
Pumpkin Cheesecake Wax Melts Recipe Ingredients Found At Natures Garden:
Pillar of Bliss Wax- 10 Pounds
Joy Wax- 1 SLAB
Spectrum Liquid Candle Dye- ORANGE 1oz.
Spectrum Liquid Candle Dye- BROWN 1oz.
Spectrum Liquid Candle Dye- BLACK 1oz.
Spectrum Liquid Candle Dye- YELLOW 1oz.
Pumpkin Cheesecake Fragrance Oil
Silicone Soap Mold- 12 Mini Muffins
Pumpkin Pie Spice Blend Powder
Other Things You Will Need:
Stainless Steel Measuring Spoon
Pot (For Double Boiler)
Pumpkin Cheesecake Wax Melts Recipe: The Chocolate Pie Crust Layer
The bottom layer of this wax melts recipe will resemble a chocolate pie crust. In this section, I will walk you through the creation of this layer. It will be about 1/3 of your base. So, keep in mind, you will not be filling the mold completely with this layer. You will need two of the silicone mini cupcake molds ready. This recipe will create 16 pumpkin wax melts. Begin by melting your Pillar of Bliss Wax using the double boiler method. You will need to melt 3 ounces of pillar wax.
Once melted, you will need to add color. Since you only need a small amount, we suggest using two toothpicks. Get out both your black liquid candle colorant and brown candle dye. Now, dip one toothpick in the brown candle dye. Then, dip the toothpick in the wax. Now, using the second toothpick, do the same with the black candle colorant. Mix well to incorporate the color.
Pumpkin Cheesecake Wax Melts Recipe: The Pumpkin Cheesecake Layer
When creating the pumpkin cheesecake layer, we will again, be working with Pillar of Bliss Wax. This time you will need to melt 6 ounces of Pillar of Bliss Candle Wax. Again, weigh out the wax using a scale. Then, use the double boiler to melt it.
Once melted, add your colorant. You will again want to use toothpicks to add just a small amount of colorant. This time you will need three toothpicks. Use the toothpicks to add yellow candle dye, brown liquid candle colorant, and orange candle colorant. Mix well.
Pumpkin Cheesecake Wax Melts Recipe: The Whipped Frosting Layer
When creating the whipped frosting, we will be using Joy Wax. Joy Wax, since it is a container wax, is softer making it ideal for our whipped topping. You will prepare the wax as you normally would, in a double boiler, adding your fragrance around 170 degrees. Add 0.9 ounces of Pumpkin Cheesecake Fragrance Oil to the Joy Wax. Stir the cheesecake fragrance oil into the wax completely. Now, you will want to wait for the wax set up a bit before you begin whipping it. Start whipping the wax when it has a slushy consistency. You can use a stainless steel spoon to whip the wax. You want to stir the wax until it has a whipped cream consistency.
Once you have allowed that wax tarts to cure, they are ready to use. Simply place one melt in your tart burner and enjoy the creamy pumpkin cheesecake aroma! Have you created this wax melt recipe at home? Or, maybe another product you would like to share? We would love to see what you have come up with. Post your pics on Natures Garden’s Facebook page or on Instagram, tagging us @ngscent.