* Pumpkin Carving 2013

By Keepingupwithsonnek @aJOschlomka
This year we carved our pumpkins, just Aaron, Avrie and myself here at home. We did them on a Wednesday night before our Halloween party. I always love lining them up along the garage doors for display as our guests walk up the driveway.And since we have no trick or treaters here at our house- they don't need to be saved for a day or two pre Halloween.

Avrie was pretty excited as we cut them open, she wasn't really all that into digging out the guts. In fact she refused, she didn't like the feel (they were pretty cold) and honestly she hates getting her hands dirty!
We stripped her down to just her undies, so that part she enjoyed, but walking around with a pumpkin seed stuck to her foot about drove her nuts!! Aaron got to work with the power tools (he isn't really sure how everyone else does it without!) I went with a few ideas I found online and I let Avrie draw a little on her pumpkin with a marker.
After we were all done carving it was too late for pictures so we saved the pumpkin lighting for the next night. It was SUPER cold out so we did them rally quick and asked Avrie to pick out her favorite one.
 We then moved inside the garage so that I could get a few pictures of Avrie next to "her" pumpkin. She was in her glow-in-the-dark pumpkin kitty jammies and that made for one of the sweetest pictures of her next to her pumpkin.

I can still remember some of the pictures from when Jamie and I would sit next to our pumpkins in the kitchen at our house in Newport.

Here's a little throwback of me with my pumpkin (below) at about 18 months old and Jamie & I (above) I look to be about third grade...

And just for fun- I wanted to sneak in another fun pumpkin project from when Avrie & I were to Jayme & Brooklyn's house in early Oct. We had headed north with Hammer & Logan for an afternoon play date. Jayme had pumpkins for each of the kids and let them each paint their own.

Avrie really got into and ended up with a beautifully painted pumpkin. She still talks about and admires her artwork on that little pumpkin!