Pumpkin Buns (Tangzhong Method/烫种)

By Vivianpangkitchen @vivianpangkitch
Pumpkin Buns (Tangzhong method/烫种)
Recently, I used to bake breads with tangzhong method. This method gives great result, soft and fluffy bread texture even the next day. I have posted similar tangzhong recipe here.
Pumpkin Buns (Tangzhong method/烫种)
I reduce the amount of liquid tremendously as the origin recipe gives very sticky dough and very hard to work with. However with the amount of liquid I used the dough is still on sticky stage but is workable. I filled these buns with homemade peanut butter, feel free to use any filling you prefer.
Reference from Christine’s Recipes
Pumpkin Buns (Tangzhong method/烫种) Ingredients:  (A) Tangzhong paste25g bread flour125g water
(B) Main Dough120g tangzhong (measure out from above tangzhong paste)50g pumpkin puree 1 egg (size A weight about 56g)½ tsp salt20g sugar350g bread flour12g milk powder1¼ tsp instant dried yeast20-30ml water
25g butter
Methods:~ Tangzhong1. Add bread flour in a small heatproof pan. Slowly add in water and stir to combine.
2. Cook the mixture on stove at low flame. Do whisk constantly while heating up. The paste is done once become thick.
3. Remove from heat. Cover with cling wrap. Leave to cool completely at room temperature .
~ Bread1. Add the tangzhong paste with all the ingredients (B) except butter into kneading bowl. Knead till form dough. Add in the butter and continue knead to form smooth and elastic dough. Cover and leave to rest for 1 hour (or till double in size).
2. Transfer the dough onto working surface. Cut and weight dough into 60g each portion. Shape into balls and leave to rest for about 10 minutes.
3. Roll out the dough and wrap in the filling. Shape into ball and slightly flatten the ball with rolling pin. Repeat the same for the rest of the dough. Cover and leave to rest for 45 minutes or till double in size.
4. Brush the buns with egg wash. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 15-18 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack.
Pumpkin Buns (Tangzhong Method/烫种)