Pulp Fiction (1994) Review

Posted on the 13 January 2016 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Two mob hit men, a boxer, a gangster’s wife and a pair of diner bandits all intertwine in some very strange moments and events!

This has to be another film that I was very shocked I had never written a review about, considering I have now lost count how many times I have watched it. The funny thing is though I still remember my first viewing and having no clue one what was going on from start to finish in the film. I think that proves that you sometimes really do need to give films a second and third chance especially when it has high quality performances, incredible dialog and complex intertwined stories.

So from that I know I am still going to struggle to review this film and say things that haven’t already been said hundreds and maybe thousands of times. This film is fantastic and my favorite (so far) from Tarantino. It has some incredible characters and moments, while watching I kept thinking oh this is my favorite part, then the next scene I had exactly the same thought. We get the stories all mixed up, with flashbacks and well flash forwards as well. But it sure as hell works out in the right way to keep you engaged, honestly make sure you give the film your full attention as you might just miss something.

What I have found with this one is that it is some of the smaller moments I find fantastic, like Travolta as Vincent talking through the intercom when Mia (Thurman) was asking him questions and answering without the use of the intercom. Or the brief Keitel appearance with a line that is so simple yet I find hilarious “Say goodnight Raquel” “Goodnight Raquel” like that feels real and what people would really say/do. That there is the very reason Tarantino is brilliant. Who would have thought it was because his dialog in films is more conversation than a script, if that makes sense? Something you could imagine saying yourself or hearing one of your friends say.

I do feel like I have to mention some other moments similar to that and come on I cannot review this film without a mention of the royale with cheese conversation, another fine example of an everyday car journey type conversation. Not forgetting how amazing Samuel L. Jackson is as Jules, you certainly don’t want him quoting the bible to you! He does seem to have a slight thing with burgers as another great scene and moments come from that as well.

We have to give the most crazy scenes to Bruce Willis as Butch as the boxer did not do what he was supposed to after accepting a bribe for his latest fight. I will admit though it’s not my favorite part of the film as it does take some very strange turns as well, obviously cannot really say too much about that. Although while I may not like it cannot argue that it is imprinted on your mind. Like where on earth does Tarantino get some of his ideas from, pretty messed up if you ask me! (I mean that in the nicest way possible).

Without a doubt I find this to be the best performance I have seen from Uma Thurman and she is involved in some classic scenes. Especially a couple of moments of dancing as well, with Travolta and then to a Neil Diamond song which is a fantastic film scene with music. But the best moment really does have to involve a shot of adrenaline, honestly that one gets me holding my breath every single time I watch it. Come on I know whats going to happen but it’s just one of those film moments that you still cannot quite believe.

The character development is very steady and we see plenty of different scenes with the characters as we learn a little bit about their background and how they managed to get to the point they are currently at, if you can work out which is the most recent scene. It really has taken me multiple viewings of the film to really appreciate and love it. I really would class this as one of my all time favourites, I do promise to one day put a list together with all of those films.

What are your favorite scenes?

Do you think it is really as GOOD as everyone makes out?