Pull This Prize 'apparatchik' out into the Daylight!

Posted on the 13 May 2013 by Davidduff

In the post below I suggested you take note of the name Ben Rhodes.  He is Obama's Liar-in-Chief and if you thought Jay Carney, the White House Press Spokesman, had that title then let me tell you that you are confusing the loudspeaker with the DVD player!

Gradually, very gradually, the American press is teasing the truth out about this (irony alert!) failed fiction writer whose skill at weaving fairy stories might not have cut it with the buying public but which were considered invaluable by Obama who appointed - or should that be 'annointed' - him as his foreign policy speech writer - amongst other things.  Rhodes it was who composed Obama's fatuous speech in Cairo in which he almost fell to his knees on a prayer mat to praise Islam without bothering to distinguish betweem moderate Muslims and extremists.

As Ed Lasky tells us at The AmericanThinker, Mr.Rhodes might prefer to stay back out of sight but his tentacles reach quite far.  A reporter for CBS News, Sharyl Attkisson, has shown considerable spirit, given the nature of her employee, in refusing to swallow the administration's cover story for the Benghazi attack.  She has pursued the story against the increasing resistance of CBS who have taken a heavy hand against her, accusing her of "advocacy" not reporting.  Guess who is the boss of CBS News - why, none other than David Rhodes, brother of Ben the White House string-puller!

This Benghazi cover-up scandal has a long way to go and given the nature of obfuscating governments everywhere, it will take a long time for everything and everyone to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the daylight.  However, Ben Rhodes is definitely going to feel some Congressional heat.

It was me who first mentioned the 'I'-word by wondering if, just if, there might not be a case for impeachment against the 'Commander-in-Chief' for dereliction of duty, if nothing else.  Rick Moran at PJMedia disabuses me of that hope.  He reminds all of us over-excited 'impeachers' that you cannot:

[I]mpeach a president without mentioning “high crimes and misdemeanors”?

That’s the constitutional standard, and for people who purport to love our founding document, there is precious little said about a serious case to be made that the lies, the incompetence, the political calculation, the whitewashing, and even the stonewalling and denial of documents add up to a reason to overturn the election and make Joe Biden president.


You can’t impeach a president for being a naive fool or an incompetent boob. You
can’t impeach a president because he chose aides, assistants, or cabinet
secretaries who can’t, or won’t, do their jobs. You can’t impeach a president
for looking into a camera and lying to the American people. You can’t impeach a
president because he tries to hide an error that would cost him votes in an
election. Nor can you impeach a president for playing politics with national
security, failing to rescue Americans under attack, or going to sleep in the
middle of a crisis.

Pity, but I think he might be right.  Still, that's no reason not to go after Ben Rhodes.  And in the process, of course, make sure 'HillBilly' is well and truly splattered in order to ruin her chances for the top job when Obama goes.