Pukey Customer

By Blairbarnes

We have a regular customer who comes in and sits at the counter
everyday, if not twice a day. He has that distinguished look, you
know, one tooth, bad breath and it is always a toss up what kind of
mood he will be in. Well on this day, apparently he wasn’t feel good,
and place his order, Ham and Cheese omelet . When his food arrived, he
looked a little green but he continued to try and eat his food. When
all of sudden he just leaned over and throw up. I mean all over; the
counter, the floor, and the customer next to him. It was horrific!
After this horrific event you would think any “normal” person would be
mortify, not him. He didn’t go into the bathroom to clean up. He
didn’t even apologize to Jim, the customer who felt his wrath and who
had to leave to clean himself up. He proceed to move his seat and
didn’t even offer to clean it up and when the waitress said something
to him. I forgot what she had but it something, like, if you wouldn’t
feeling well you should have went into the bathroom or stayed home. He
got an attitude and left, while my co-worker cleaned the mess up. He
left her $1 on the counter! REallY!

He still comes in like nothing happened. Can you imagine!

- Patti