Publisher’s Weekly “Deadlocked” Synopsis

Posted on the 28 March 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Interested in finding out more of what to expect, especially when it comes to Eric and Sookie in Deadlocked, by Charlaine Harris which comes out on May 1st? I know most of you are more than willing, and are wanting to know if you should buy it or wait until one of us reads it first.

Publisher’s Weekly has posted a more detailed synopsis of the book! Let’s just say that there are some things you’ll like and some you won’t! We thought we should give you the heads’ up!

WARNING: For those who don’t want to know – don’t read below!

Check out the synopsis below…

The events of Dead Reckoning—particularly the death of the despicable but powerful vampire Victor—have consequences for Sookie Stackhouse and her supernatural gang in Harris’s intriguing 13th and penultimate series installment. When Sookie’s vampire husband, Eric Northman, summons her to his Shreveport home to welcome the visiting king, Felipe de Castro, and his entourage, she’s shocked to find Eric feeding on another woman while the king and his underlings ravage their own humans downstairs. The woman Eric fed from turns up dead on his front lawn and someone calls the police, putting Eric and Felipe’s entourage under suspicion. With the help of ex-boyfriend Bill Compton, Sookie grudgingly sets out to clear Eric’s name while trying to keep the local fae under control after her kin, Claude and Niall, return to the land of Faery. As loyalties realign and betrayals are unmasked, Harris ably sets the stage for the ensemble’s last hurrah.

This seems to be an extremely detailed synopsis, doesn’t it? Before you get started on speculating on what all this means…we noticed an error in this synopsis. This is the 12th installment, not the 13th.

All of this sounds really interesting…and it looks like things won’t be resolved in this book either. Don’t like the fact that Sookie is investigating things with Bill, but then again…most of us hate the sight of Bill’s name anywhere near Sookie’s, so maybe their investigation is less than what it seems? We’ll have to wait and see…

What do you think? Share your thoughts below!