Yesterday, I posted that I thought the United States should cut off all the military aid they send to Egypt -- since that aid is being used to suppress and kill Egyptian citizens. Continuing to send that military aid just makes the United States an accomplice in that suppression and those killings.
Now it looks like I am not alone in that view. A new Rasmussen Poll shows that a majority of Americans (54%) also think the military aid should be stopped, while another 27% aren't sure about whether it should be stopped or continued. Only 18% think the aid should be continued. And even if you subtract the entire poll margin of error of 3 points, it still leaves a majority wanting the military aid stopped.
It's time for the U.S. government to take action, and that action should be to immediately stop giving military aid to the dictatorship in Egypt -- at least until that country settles it political problems, and we can determine whether they deserve to have that aid resumed.